Your paper is accepted! I was a bit hesitant if I was reading the right message. Yes, my paper is accepted for a paper presentation in Bali, Indonesia. And so? That was my initial reaction.
Actually, it is an honor to present a paper abroad but the problem is where will I get funds? I was a part-time instructor then at the University of Southeastern Philippines, Bo. Obrero, Davao City, Philippines and my salary was just enough to satisfy my needs and of course, the needs of my family. Money, money. That was my problem then. Luckily, when I shared the news to Consul- General Sukarsono of Consulate General of Indonesia in Ecoland, Davao City, he was happy then and said , “ Welcome to Indonesia as he handed me a travel book”. Consul Sukarsono was my tutee in English and he enjoyed our discussion because I used actual situations in our lesson. At the end of the conversation, he handed me money and said , “Go to Bali and share your study to them. They need you.”
And this is it! Welcome to Bali! I was the only Filipino presenter in the International Conference on English Across Cultures. Here is the abstract of my study :
WELCOME to Bali. This is another avenue for me to grow intellectually as a researcher and as a person. Terima kasih, Indonesia! |
University of Southeastern Philippines
This study entitled Analysis of Verb Phrase Architecture in Muslim Legends: Basis for a Teaching Guide in English I, aims to analyze the verb phrase architecture in Muslim legends which would be basis for a teaching guide in English I. This investigation is a qualitative type of research. Through purposive random sampling, there were 7 Kalagan, 6 Maguindanaon, and 9 Tausug informants. Constant consultation with the experts was done for data accuracy. Findings revealed that the verb phrase architecture in Muslim legends are: Kalagan verb phrase is on initial syntactic position with verb, verb + noun phrase, verb + prepositional phrase, and verb + adverbial phrase as constituents; Maguindanaon verb phrase is on initial syntactic position with verb, verb + noun phrase, verb + prepositional phrase, and verb + adverbial phrase as constituents; and Tausug verb phrase is on initial syntactic position with verb, verb + noun phrase, verb + prepositional phrase, and verb + adverbial phrase as constituents. The Maguindanaon, Kalagan, and Tausug languages are verb-initial languages; have verb, verb + noun phrase, verb + prepositional phrase, and verb+ adverbial phrase as verb phrase constituents. Muslim and English languages share similarities on verb phrase constituents such as the verb, V+NP, V+PP, and V+AdvP. The majority of the verb phrases in Muslim languages are on their initial syntactic position unlike English, it is on final syntactic position. Out of the findings, a teaching guide in English I was designed for Muslim students which focused on the Muslim verb phrases. It is then recommended that the analysis on the Muslim verb phrases should be used in English and Linguistics classes to understand the complexities of Muslim languages. Researchers should explore the other facets of Muslim languages which will be of great help in designing teaching guides in English.
A paper presented in the International Conference on English Across Cultures at Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2011.
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