Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Course Outline in ENGLISH 1 ( Study and Thinking Skills)

Course Description : This course aims primarily to develop students’ communicative skills and provide students with effective language and thinking skills and language strategies necessary for academic studies.

Course Objectives : At the end of the semester, the students would be able to:

1. Comprehend oral and written materials ranging from general interest to specific, with emphasis on inferential and critical reading;

2. Organize information efficiently in the form of outlines, charts, etc. both for the materials read and materials to be written;

3, Organize information using orderly strategies i.e. chronological, logical;

4, Summarize and paraphrase materials read;

5. Interpret and construct non-prose texts;

6. Write unified and coherent essays using different rhetorical devices.

Course Topics :

1. Vision, Mission, Goals, and Core Values of the University

2. Scanning and Skimming

3. Reading for Comprehension

4. Reading for Information and Detail

5. Context Clues

6. Inferencing and Drawing Conclusion

7. Organizing Information into an Outline

8. Summarizing and Paraphrasing

9. Writing Essays

Grading System :
Examinations – 40 %
Class Activities - 40%
Class Requirements – 20 %

Course Requirements:

1. Textbook, 2. Essays, 3. Portfolio

Prepared by :


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks! its our first assignment :)
