R-ecklessly writing in just one try E-laborating a poem for this reply A- mind of mine that is thinking hard D-oing its best to get an award I- am nearing the end for this words I compile N-ow I hope that reading this would be worthwhile, so G-ive me a grade that would make me smile
R-emembering the past lessons makes me think E-very time our teacher have their tests A-lready forgotten those stuffs I learned D-aydreaming is the only thing that would suits me best I-f I only just read even just for awhile N-othing is impossible that I have pass this time, now I G-et my book and read those lines, should have done this early awhile.
R-evealing a new identity to our generation. E-nhancing each and everyone's imagination. A-dapting cultures all around the Earth. D-iscovering things yet to be unearthed. I-nteresting stories that relates our history, N-ews, Current Events, and even Poetry. G-rab a book, start reading, and enjoy your new discovery.
R - Relying on the information given by the book, E - Enhancing each and every minds, why don't you come take a look. A - Alluring each and every muggles to fall asleep, D - Drastically avoiding the "Counting of Sheep". I - In the beginning, the story seems to be flat and boring, N - Now wait until you see the climax and the finale dahling. G - Gone with the wind as the feelings arose and bloom, The evangelical zeal and infinite feels as the story ends with a boom.
R-emembering the things that i have encountered E-specially the lessons that i have learned A-dding more informations in my mind D-eveloping the skills that i acquired I-informations that are so bright N-ewly added like a morning light G-rab your notes and make your imaginations true to life.
R-easoning to what you understand E-ngaging to new things that we A-lways dreamed D-iscoveries should be uphold I-magining things we wrote N-o one should be afraid, through reading G-ood education could be obtain
Vance Adriane C. Angayan BSBA-1B (MWF - 12:00 - 1:00)
R - Romantic, historical, informative and dreamy E - Experience the wonders in books that will make you giddy A - Allow every word and color to fill your mind D - Don't ever say no for marvelous things you will find I - In your head you can do anything N - Now grab a book and start unraveling G - Great and awesome things lie ahead, so read a book that's what I said
READING Reading makes me more wiser Every words i encounter Are like precious golds and silvers Days are passing yet I'll always remember and Nothing will ever compare Good thoughts ive gain from reading
R-eading is a good way of learning, E-nables you to imagine lots of things, A-t times it may be boring, but D-oesn't mean you won't learn anything. I-t takes you to places you've never been and also lets you experience a lot of things, so N-ever say no when it comes to reading, because even the G-reat people around the world is also a product of Reading.
HERWIN M NAQUILA BSME1-1 R- reading makes my day complete, E- earning knowledge on what I read; A- and always read after go to bed; D- discover the world of understanding and make the; I- imagination to be a real thing, that; N- nurture your skill in reading and remember that, G- god is always in our side to guide.
R-eading gives you knowledge and gives you more the courage to E-xpress the things you've learned and A-pply it all in you, and as you read, the book D-evours you in an enchanted loop, which entangles you I-nside, gives you peace, and lets you learn of the things you N-ever knew, and brings you to places you've never been, and G-reatly influences your beliefs and views in life.
R-Reminiscing the problems of reading in our life E-Even if it's sharp as a knife A-Applying the courage to survive D-Determination that will help us to strive I-Improving ourselves in what we have N-Neglecting the judgments of others, G-Going on our way to achieve with flying colors
R-Recalling the different meaning of the things I E-Encounter everyday A-Admitting that sometimes it makes me crazy because it's hard to understand yet D-Dealing with it makes me more eager to learn by I-Improving my vocabulary and reading comprehension N-Never to be discouraged cause learning is not easy and D-Day by day is an opportunity to learn
R-eading can take you lands far away E-arth,moon,and universe we can see A-ll things that must be known D-eep inside the pages are shown I-ndigo,bisque,blond, and chartreuse N-ice and astounding colors-world is dose G-ifted we are, through reading,we can see all of those.
Reading is a great adventure Explore and see the beauty of every words Ask and it could give you information Deprive us to have courage It helps to pursue our goals Nourish every uncommon words you may encounter Go and make your time worthy through reading
R-Recreating dimensions from group of random words. E-Exploring greater range through bounded pages. A-Anticipating journey for knowledge and entertainment. D-Daydreaming in full sense of abstract ideas. I-In motion with mind while constant in position. N-New experience to bring facts and genuine ideas. G-Getting captured in partial emotion and freedom.
R-eading is for information and details, E-verything that you want can be participated A-bove all reading is the best with D-irect comprehension and mindfulness I-nfluence in every human that N-o one can destroy but everyone can G-ain knowledge and wisdom to overcome success.
R-eliving the lessons in my high school years E-nriching the knowledge that I worked with tears A-stonished with our modern grammar rules D-iscovering unknown words that have to be so sure I-n the world of knowledge I have to go N-ot knowing how my mind will glow, but G-ot to hold on and go with the flow.
Kassandra Flauta ME1-1 ( Original composition ;) )
R-eading makes me know everything, E-nhancing my communicative skills to A-chieve my goals, D-ealing with comprehension to I-mpressed others or to persuade them. N-othing is imposible in G-aining something what you want.
R-eenact in your mind what you read, E-ven the details thin as weed. A-fter it is done, comprehend. D-eep understanding, helps you to apprehend. I-t takes you somewhere not yet unearthed, N-ever touched, never heard. G-ilt-edged reading's really the bridge of mind to the grasp of the world.
R-eading is fundamental to one's advancement. E-mpowering it makes you have a state of contentment. A-pprehend the nature and the significance of the content. D-evelop your objective understanding and reasoning. I-t helps you build your self-confidence. N-ever underestimate the capacity of reading. G-ain vocabulary and persistence to achieve excellence.
R-elease all stress and lay down to rest E-ntertainment must be at its best A-midst all frustrations and disappointments, I D-ream and smile. I-nto a world and another, N-othing can stop me in making myself better. G-reat things, great knowledge, and a great teacher
R-Reading may reach you to sky E-Eagerness to learn and A-Appreciate the charm in each words D-Develops our comprehension and I-Inspires us to be N-Nice to other human beings that can make us G-Great and achieve our aspirations through reading
Reading may take too much time because Every second counts. Adopting my comprehension and figure out my Dreams, would push too hard but I make it as a challenge towards success. Never surrender among those challenges because it Guide us towards professionalism.
R-eading is like traveling the world for free. With the aid of my E-yes, exploring it us just easy. A- book can be a vehicle and D-aydreaming may be possible. But the most I-mportant is, perceiving an access of N-ew ideas is the G-reatest guerdon.
R-ead books for they take you to the different places. E-xperience the wonders in every pages. A-look for adventures in every pieces. D-evour thy words till reaches. I-n the world between the covers of books N-ow you can imagine on how life looks. G-et your mouth ready and let the word scoops.
R-eaching the peek of your imagination E-ternal way of getting information A-nalyzing each given lines and words D-oors are opened for your new wonders I-ntellectually introudec to a new world N-ow get a book and start to read G-rab a dictionary in case you bleed
R-eaching the peek of your imagination E-ternal way of getting information A-nalyzing each given lines and words D-oors are opened for new wonders I-ntellectually introudeces to a new world N-ow get a book and start to read G-rab a dictionary in case you bleed
R-umpelstiltskin, magical portals, gods and goddesses seen, E-xpensive tickets to foreign countries gone, A-wesome and countless dicoveries exposed, D-ebonair histories unlocked, I-nterstellar adventures encountered, N-ever thought you'd ever experience, G-reatly possible through reading.
Dennis Edward A. Maribao EN 1-4 R-iding on the peak of your imagination E-njoying the way of life A-dding beautiful memories in the pass D-igging the sadness and puts them out I-n the future you can never tell N-othing can put you down instead you yourself G-od is always there for you.
Aljen B.Villegas AB LIT.1A eve R-each the glory of GOD E-ncourage reading bible A-dmire those who follow D-reaming good things I-n the future N-ew life that G-od's is the author
R-eading is reaching towards a wise E-xellency,to become an A-spirant of my own dream that has pocket full of KNOWLEDGE, MOTIVATION and I-DEA, that would N-urture my growing seeds, through the G-oals that enrich my efficiency.
R- eading is an adventure that never ends E- mbracing to know that we are NOT forsaken A- dmiring books that solve a problem for the reader's awakened D- oubt's will remove and determination will be learned I- n places quiet or loud N- ever wakes the dead muffled G- ood writing/reading does not succeed or fizzled.
"Run Harry Potter! Run for your life! Enter through the chambers; I hear Ginny and her cries. Above us are the ceilings, carved and aged by secrets. Days of yore remembered through frank doors that we met." I stretched my back and laid my book, amazed how Hogwarts was. Neither by a plane nor a fast train, I was there like in a gush. Gone to places just by a book , as it speaks how to be in such.
R- Reading is easy as 1,2,3 E- Exploring and learning stories like Sky and Tree A- Analyzing and understanding words that you may find D- Discovering and writing things that's in my mind I- Imagining, experiencing, and taking you to places to improve our imagination N- Nourishing and nurturing our skills and observations and G- Gaining and getting new ideas and informations through reading.
LORD SHEM C. RAFAILES BS-EcE EN 1-3 R - Recalling the words and phrases I have read E - Every consonant and vowel helps my imagination widespread A - At times, it can be a little difficult to understand D - Doing this can make your understanding expand I - It contributes to every people living N - Nurture yourself with the habit of reading G - Good reading comprehension makes your life fulfilling
R-eminisce stories that were dropped behind E-xperiences shared based in one's life A-chieve the dreams we have in mind D-evelop oneself amidst strife I-nstill in our hearts the lessons we've learned N-Neglect the past that made us burn, that's what makes G-reat stories and reading a great concern
Reading is such a mystery Every second is a big presentation A present just for you and me Driving us to our ideal destinations Invented to push us to our best Not just me but same with the rest Gives me joy, I must confess.
R-eading is an essential tool E-mpowering one's mind A-dvances the readers for future ideas D-evelops potential capacity of the person involved I-nfluences the students to focus N-urtures the gift of knowledge G-arners everything
R eading is not my 100% hooby E verytime I feel bored and lonely A ny books and reading paraphernalia's I want to see D eveloping my skills in reading that can be good to me I nspired by our teacher in English 1 N o other than Mr. Sajed Ingilan G oing through for my improvements in reading.
R-eading is the way of E-xecuting your feelings towards our emotions A-nd understanding the text through our compassions D-efinitely , it gives motivation and I-nnovation for our N-ewly comprehension that helps us to achieve our G-oals ang gives us satisfaction
Readability is all I want. Enthusiast I am to read Acquiring knowledge from it Discovering new words on net,how Interested I am to know it Nothing can compare the importance of reading Gotta get books and read it.
R-eading is the best way to E-nhance our skills A-nd actively D-evelop ourselves everyday. Through creative I-maginination that will N-ever forget to G-uide us in solving problems in life.
RUNNEL S. MANGA ENTREP 1-B Reaching the goal in life is very important into a person Experiencing the hardship and struggle Adequate to one another Dream the highest goal Inspired the one who is in darkness Nurture all the good work you have and God will bless you for all the good things you've done....
DAVE MONTIMOR BOCADO ENTREP 1-B R-eadingis a great word to know. E-nriching our skills,comprehension, A-nd ability makes our mind more healthy. D-awn's light now arrives I- know my future shinning bright N-ow,I realized how lucky are we,that G-od give me a warm,loving smile.:)
R-evitalizing knowledge E-nhancing the power of innovation A-cknowledging the mirror of reality and fiction D-ormant of every processes to be taken I-ntroduction of every single step of progress N-avigating the capability to instill information G-aining the relevance of every narration
R-ead to me phrases and read to lines E-ndless adventure of world of words A -journey towards wisdom and knowledge, far and wide D-elight and glory and oddity and light I-f you read a few, then you’ll know it’s true N-ever you can tell when to start a look, what interesting things may come in books G-reat power we can harness when it happen to be, as powerful weapon that can kill thousands in just a wink of an eye.
R-eading takes you to a journey beyond imagination E-ssays, humor, mystery, and many more A-t times, it is challenging to read D-eep words, long pages, and I-t may sometimes be uninteresting N-ow is never too late to indulge yourself G-rab a book and go venture
R-eading is important because it develops our mind. It E-nhance our skills towards A-chievement. It helps us to D-iscover new things I-n life which is N-eeded and can be used in the next G-eneration that can help make a better world.
Rich ideas is a product of good understanding Everlasting knowledge provides exceptional things Astonishing outcomes, really a mind-blowing Developing everything just to be outstanding Incredible Ideas in our minds, now are playing No doubt, Incredibly Amazing Great things isn't it? that's what reading brings.
R-oam around artery E-nter where you want is finery A-ccept what's behind-the-scenes D-reams are hard to determine I-ntelligence is bearable N-othing is impossible G-o where it leads you.
R ead this by using your imagination E very word were came from different dimension A ttacking your mind and makes it confuse D efend it by using Dictionary and Thesaurus I n the middle of imagination a lot of words combined N ew words encountered and then put them on the line G ood imagination is just what you need , and let you enjoy while you read .
R-eading is a simple thing yet, you have fun E-njoying and playing words like the spelling of the sun A-sking and comprehending things that you don't understand D-eveloping and knowing things to help you grow and stand I-nterpreting and finding ideas that will help widen our knowledge N-ew experience and mysteries revealed for additional knowledge G-reat thoughts that we can get only from Reading
R-eading a Mathematics books is my hobby. E-ndless adventure of world of numbers and letters. A-nalyze the problems that given to us. D-efine the formulas can be use as a guide. I-nspered the classmates who hates mathematics. N-ever give up to answer the hard problems to G-et the passing grades toward our future.
R-eminiscing all the words I learned E-mbracing the whole knowledge I earned A-ll the stories, ideas and facts that showed us fun D-igging the imagination and dreams of everyone I-t just shows that reading is essential to our community N-eglecting all the worries and problems by you and me G-o read and explore the world, go live your life even though you get old
Buniel, Albert Jade T. BSEcE EN1-3 R-eading is a way of relaxing your brain E-nhancing your imagination as fast as a train A- book can give you a lot of pleasure D-on't underestimate it because I-t's a kind of treasure N-ow what are you waiting for G-rab a book and understand its core.
R-andomly speaking, reading is an art, E-xperience isn't required when we start, A-mazingly educational to students like us, D-etermined people will think it's a must, I-nterested already what reading can bring? N-ever forget what you'll learn in the ending, for G-reat knowledge to be shared, is the true goal of reading.
Reading makes people imagine deeper Explore to the world of writing facts and fictions Acknowledge the truth behind the lies and lies behind unreal Days to be the night to dream and the night to burn pages Imagine the things that couldn't be Never lose hope to dream Gathers everything
Raising creativity in liguistics and mental abilities Enhance imaginative learnings and discoveries Allowing people to connect with each other Depict opinions , insights, thoughts, and interpretations Inspire people for excellent innovations Nurture eloquence and fluency Great mind creates great legacy :)
R-eading is fun so I try to read every chance I get. E-very time, I ready my mind to set. A-t times,it can be difficult to understand,but D-evelop your skills and encourage a lot. I-magine and discover what is true, N-ever close your brain for something new. G-o and find what you can really do.
R - reading is a relevant for all people, it gives E - extra learnings and ideas that are very useful. For A - a life to be meaningful, we must D - develop our skills for a brighter future. I - ideas, knowledge and experiences can be learned through reading, its N - not just a set of words where you can't learn anything. So be G - grateful to have a new knowledge that can be apply in our daily lives.
R-eading starts in one word E-nhance and widens my knowledge A-wakening my reading skills D-eveloping my strength and weaknesses I-t helps us to be a globally competitive like our teacher in English 1 N-o other than Mr. Sajed S. Ingilan G-o explore and enjoy the world.
R-eading I can consider a language of acquisition E-merges to help increase our little mind's comprehension A-llocates every bit of ideas we all need D-erives meaning from written texts or passage, indeed I-nculcates zeal for further reading skills N-oted after reading you will have a bliss G-auge your vocabulary in everything you read
Reading is a receptive skill Enhancing your communication skills Acting as a passage way to know the past and the future Develops your understanding and vocabulary Inspires you in continuing life New way to exercise your eye muscles Gives immeasurable knowledge and facts
R-eading with passion is the greatest gift. E-ven if people say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading. A-lthough I feel slothfulness towards reading sometimes,but D-iscerning myself to the fact that I-t's just like a sex act- done privately and often in bed, N-o more feeling of slothfulness and laziness towards it because G-aining knowledge that can't be paid can be extracted from this relevant thing, reading.
R-inging in my mid E-ach and every word I find A-doring each and every sight D-angling in the words with light I-mages I haven't thought could be N-ow possible with the help of thee G-iving me wonders and a heart full of glee
R-ight enunciation and spelling of words E-xcellent literary pieces A-dequate understanding towards you, and your world D-ream to fulfill I-nspiration to live and to go onward N-ew knowledge and discoveries G-osh! Those are the things I don't get if I don't READ.
Reading on a measuring device Eagerly to figure out the complex ideas Activities engaging in different dimensions Discussing, understanding or interpreting In reading books makes a man to be a wide reader Neglecting reading skills is prohibited Goo is a sticky substances like reading in which you are stuck within
BS GEO1-1 R-Reaching for the stars in every hopes and dreams E-Each one of us tries to aim it by A-Accepting struggles and errs D-Day by day our stars will be pure , I-Inorder for it to incur let us N-Not rush things just : G-Give the best shot no matter what.
R-Reading is usually not my thing, E-Education came, and it had just revised everything. A-Admired to become a levelheaded reader someday, D-Drowning my mind with its thoughts everyday. I-Inspiring others by giving thoughts is my goal someday, N-Now I understand the momentousness of reading, G-Gives extraordinary feelings to people and extra facts for anything.
R-eaching the sky E-ndless as it may seem A-ttempt all you want D-ream if you need to dream I-can lie down with you N-estle in your arms, while we - G-aze through the skies and bask in its charm.
R-Redefining the world and it's boundaries, yet E-Enlightens the truth and fact of every mystery. A-A universe where everything is all but impossible. D-Dreams, fantasies, beliefs, and realities converge, I-Inspiring one's thoughts and genuine ideas emerge. N-Neglecting all limitations, surpassing each generation. G-Governing our lives towards a better tomorrow.
R-reading has many advantages and few disadvantages E-even computer games can't match reading's benefits A-arming yourself with knowledge can be D-done through reading. I-inspiring others or to be inspired, N-never will reading disappoint you. G-God gave us the amazing ability to read, let us exercise it and use it to our advantage.
Relate it in your life Eliminate the human strife Adding knowledge through comprehension Develop your skills in communication Improvise all the past learning Nurture it with constant training Great life will be assured for a young earthling
R-esearch books that are knowledeable E-xellent types, to discuss upon A-ivalable on site that are around D-evelopmental to ones personal growth I-ntellectual ideas to share with peers N-ew words to learn and G-ain knowledge to ponder
R- Rooms of words stock in my mind E- Everything on that made me inspired A- Age will grow and you may fade D- Done by reading until the end I- It may come to you no matter what happen N- Now I must say even in my grave G- Growing is with you but reading is continuous and no end
Reading usually bore me to death Especially if there’s no picture in it Although reading is informative Does it make me more imaginative? Indeed reading is important Nothing could be greater than that God give it to us because he knows what’s best for us.
Requires patience and sincerity Excellent badge is the legacy An alpha to one’s literacy Delivering thoughts equally Inspires every mortal significantly Negotiating in different amenity Greatly affect one’s empathy
Reading is what great minds do, Erasing our doubts; believe me its true. Accepting ideas each turn of the page. Diminish ignorance; creating a change. Indeed it is helpful and mystifying. Now what are you still waiting for? Get started; begin reading.
Reinforces the mind and makes us critical Elaborate, quite intricate but don't be so cynical Astonishing facts we uncover Drives us, tells us to go further Indulging on things that could mold us New horizons we seek, knowledge is on the brink Give some time on reading,the information is surging
R-relieves stress E-effective for us to learn A-amazing way to discover things D-depressing if not understood I-important tool for success N-numerous words and letters can be found G-gives information and education.
R-eading without reflecting is like eating without digesting , E-everytime your reading ,you also find it very interesting , A- thousand books your writing,can make everyone to be a self-educating , D-ream like there's no morning but plan through book is the only thing , I-t is well to read everything of something and something of everything , N-o entertainment is so cheap as reading,nor any pleasure so lasting , G-ood books you're collecting,may be a way of everything.
Reading books and Evaluate contents Are ways of Discovering world with Irreplaceable learning ; Nurturing knowledge and Gaining good education to be respect.
Raging thoughts come in a whirlpool Eccentric one or such a fool A hobby indeed, knowledge is spoonful Dear, reading is so cool In many ways you learn North to south, you travel to western Great adventures you will always earn
R-emember the past, the journey of your life, E-xcellence that you"ve had,make you conquered all the lies. A-cceptance of the present,keeps your own confident. D-eliver through the dessert,the struggles you've not conquered I-gnoring the wrong grammars, ignoring the defeats N-ow push through your limits, the understanding you barely needed it. G-o ! for the learnings ! READING GIVES YOU KNOWLEDGE ..
R-eading aids us to gain more knowledge E-verytime I read lots of books A-nimates me to understand it deeply D-iscover beautiful happenings about it I-n the rear, another dexterity has learned N-ever stop reading books. It G-ives us a big support on our studies and in daily life
R-eading is a part of our simple life E-xamining and to learn things A-re great to ourselves D-iscovering great informations I-n our existence in the world N-ever bring you down but; G-ives you more knowledge to make you up!
R-Read and read until you're dead, E-Explore the world using your head. A-Attract knowledge just like a magnet. D- Develop your understanding, I-In this this world of learning. N-Never neglectt the power to gain G-Good information comes within.
R - Rendering oneself to the world of imaginings E - Experiencing the power of creative reading A - Apprehending thoughts is the most essential thing. D - Denoting its significance to mankind I - Is exhibited by its outnumbering positivities. N - Neglecting its importance to journal wisdom G - Gets neither sword nor armor to word wars.
RANJEANELL M. CORONEL GEO 1-1 Bachelor of Science in Geology
R - Revolution gives nothing but chaos. E - Everyone who is against the government can do such things. A - Accepting the fact that the officials are imperfect. D - Decieving citizens with their propagandas are not good. I - Involving yourself towards activism gives you nothing but risks. N - Never ever join such actions like these. G - Go on with your life dream, believe, achieve.
Revealing the true identity of a reader that will Enhance our power to understood, it Able to share knowledge, Discovering new things and ideas, and Imaginations will broaden No age limit, young and old Good health in mind, body and soul.
R-Reviving someones' dying from literacy E-Excelling one's mind opinion to explanation A-Acquiring knowledge to everyone and comprehension D-Daydream due to imagination enhance creativity and liberty I-Intelligence developing from nothing to having N-Neophytes provider that gives solutions to answer G-Greatness evolving,enhances your talent,and can say I am a genius!
R – Realization comes on my mind in such a way… E – Envying myself that I know everything… A – Accepting the fact, my knowledge is not enough. So, I D – Dare to use my precious time in deep reading… I – It must be the time for me to gain more knowledge. So, in the N – Near future, I can be on the peak of success with G – Great mind, helped by reading, I can be like the rest…
R-Refuge is what I see E-Every word that I read A-An escape,a body of knowledge D-Demonstrating wisdom and lore I-In it I am enlightened N-Nourishment in your mind G-Guaranteed when you have a book by your side.
R- Remove yourself in the world of ignorance E- Elaborate greater things from simple words A- A simple reading might be our only chance D- Do open a book and you'll be in good hands I- Inside the covers are thoughts of good substance N- No one stops you, so use your library card G- Go and read something, and your imagination will lead the way.
R - Remember the gift that we received, E - Especially our ability to read. A - Assure to read everything in sight, D - Don't be hesitant cause you have the right. I - Inspire your self by doing this, N - Nothing to worry about, cause G - God knows we worth it.
R-emembering the times where I started E-ntering the world that are so exhausted, A-dmire those things and don't be woozy D-ifficulties may makes me crazy. I-nspired by pedagogues that's why I still N-ew beginnings and new challenges G-oals succeeded and feel the changes.
R - Romantic, drama, suspense, comedy, tragedy, and discovery E - Each of these are in the book or story. A - All can be hip, even new or old D - Down to the season where people change in mood. I - In reading books of discovery and imagination, N - New invention were formed for this generation G - Going to goodness to build a strong nation.
R-eminiscing the knowledge through a book can E-nlightening the mind of the reader, A-spiring to achieve our dreams and D-eserving to reach or aims. I-nspiring others to read, N-agging would frustrate us but G-aining thoughts and ideas can help us.
R- Reading recreates a new means of travelling through mind E- Equipped individuals with knowledge and wisdom entwined A- Adds up a bundle of learning for the mind to grow, and D- Develop communication competence, essential for everyone to know I- Introduces a world of ideas, that to one, may be unknown N- Nourishes human's intellect through deeper analyzation and G- Generate ideas to improve skills for comprehension
R-eading takes you to an amazing journey, E-xciting worlds to be traveled joyfully A-dding knowledge and wisdom for any age, D-ifferent experiences on every page I-t's not tiring nor boring to do, N-ever a waste of time for you G-ood reads, they are rewarding to go through.
Registering every lessons we had is not that easy Every time I went to school I feel lazy, but Advance reading makes me smarter Doing things like this makes me go further Improving my knowledge makes me feel cool Nothing can stop me in achieving my Goal
R-eading is a source of knowledge, E-mbracing knowledge is a privilege, A-llowing ourselves to be well informed, D-isapproving it would make us a fool, I-nvoking people to read is one way to make us "cool", N-eglecting knowledge means neglecting what's rightfully ours, G-od given us the gift of knowledge and knowledge is power.
R - oot of the hidden knowledge within, E - nlightening the mentality of our very being; A - precious gem worth keeping; D - elicate necessity to our living; I - nclining the brilliance of the human's framework, N - urtured further through our efforts and hard work; G - rateful are we to be bestowed with the ability of reading; a vital step towards greater thinking.
Raise your voice to the world, Educate yourself and be mold Acquire knowledge for the gold, Detect the flaws of your own Improve yourself like you've never known Never get tired of anything; Grow up and enjoy reading.
Reading is majestic Entering our worlds like magic Available any time Digging our powerful minds Imagine all you can No other thing to be done Gods Blessing for us Humans
R-eading books is quite fun E-ven though we don't jump and run A-way we go on a vast, imaginary sea D-ancing and prancing, a trip for you and me I-n your mind you are free N-ow read a book and then you'll see G-reat and wonderful things for them, you, and me
R-eading can be fun E-xperience adventure as long as you can A-dventure in every flip of a page D-ifferent stories as you passes every stage I-magination is the only limit N-othing can stop you because you can do it G-aining knowledge and entertainment.
R-eading makes your mind work E-very word takes you to another world A-very wonderful world, and D-ifferent experiences will be experience I-t takes you to an adventure, N-ice creature, and G-igantic feature
Reading, a skill which is only possessed by mankind Entering a new world using only our mind And expanding our knowledge with our creativity Delivers a soft whisper of inner peace to me Interaction between the greatest people of history New world, new knowledge, new person to be me Get ready! the whole world is gonna chase me!
Ray Angelo V. Salva EN 1-3 R-eading is essential for every student E-nhancing their minds and their talents A-cquiring knowledge through the use of words D-isseminating peace across the world I-ncorporating wisdom from the ages N-urturing our being with all the needed components G-rowing in the world of reading is indeed an advancement
READING R- Reading books,magazines and articles make people to think wider E- Enhances the ability to understand the real thought of it A-A wonderful fact to reflect upon us,so D-Don't give up if you fell it's hard because I-It will light up our directions,it is N-Nutritive to us as unique individuals G-Go confidently in the way of our dreams
R- eading is an English major skill E- nhance it and take it for real, A- ccuracy in grammar and spelling D- evelops from doing this 'lil thing, I- t might be tiresome more often, yet N- ew discoveries we are experiencing, G- o! Read and gain something.
Remembering our lessons isn't that easy,coz Everytime i went to school ,i feel lazy,but Advance reading make's me smarter Doing thing like this make's me go further Improving my knowledge make me feel cool,and No one can stop me in achieving my Goal
R-eading is like raffia molding a man E-ach precious words comes from the mouth A-nd blind with pleasure to spend in the mind D-elivering constant ideas I-n poetry or extract from books N-egotiating in different dimensions G-abordine is a thick cloth like reading makes a man wiser.
R- eason to inspire more people E- xpand minds and elaborate one's life to be more meaningful, A- cquiring knowledge we may get in through reading that D- evelops and design to create I- nvisible things to be visible, N- o one can stop you if you keep on believing, G- uide. That's what I can say that leads our way to explore world through reading.
Reading is a form of passion where Extraordinary imagination resides Allures the fierce mind that figures out Dazzling bits of facts and queer illusions Incorporate details that Never runs out of place Get up! Find a place to taste.
R-eading is learning by discovery E-ducating yourself that really count A-ctive listineng evaluates what the sound wave mean D-evelop your abilities, by taking the I-nitiative to make new friends N-urturing your interests, widen your experience and G-uarantee a rewarding finish
"READING" R-eading is to understand something written E-nlighten your mind towards everything A-nd gives you knowledge to a lot of thing D-etermine your pesonality I-n a different kinds of way N-ot only in reading but also in analyzing the G-iven meaning
R- Reading is fun and it E- Encourage us, teens and A- Adults to read. D- Discovering many things, being I- Intelligent and having knowledge about N- Natural things are some of the the benefits that we can G- Gain trough reading
Reading emblazons identity Embarking knowledge,making us witty Arduous questions and even apprehensions Deciphers and widens one's misconceptions Ignite a bright future ahead No illiteracy and unawareness will lead Garner intellegence and read
R- Reading is fun and it E- Encourage us, teens and A- Adults to read. D- Discovering many things, being I- Intelligent and having knowledge about N- Natural things are some of the the benefits that we can G- Gain through reading
R-eading books or any reading materials sometimes maybe too boring. E-specially when the things you want to know does not appear in the beginning. A-s I observed, most of us do only skimming and scanning. That's why D-iscovering new things had never done by all human beings. I-nterest in reading is a big part of learning. N-ot only for knowledge's sake but also for valuing the skill that G-od has given us to survive in the world of living.
R-eading is like raffia molding a man E-ach precious words comes from the mouth A-nd blind with pleasure to spend in the mind D-elivering constant ideas I-n poetry or extract from books N-egotiating in different dimensions G-abordine is a thick cloth like reading makes a man wiser.
R-eading is not about looking for black marks on a page or turning a pages as quickly as we can. E-quip our minds not our eyes and hands. A-nalyze processes to aware of context and connotation. D-evelop concentration on what you are reading for. I-dentify the topic and the concepts given by to understand more. N-ever look for the other's interests, always think that G-od will serves as our wall to protects and guides us whenever,wherever and whatever we do. BE OPTIMISTIC RATHER THAN BEING PESSIMISTIC.
READING R-eading is fundamental and valuable. E-verything you read fills your head with new bits of information and vocabularies. A- personal interpretation or appraisal ; It D-evelops your reading comprehension. I-nteraction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge. You must N-urture your reading skills for you to excel and G-uide you to your SUCCESS !
R-eading is one of the best recreational activity. E-ffective way of gathering information. A-cquires willingness to a reader. D-evelop personal responses. I-mproved Focus and Concentration. N-o matter how much stress you have it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. G-ives us the opportunity to expand our vocabulary.
R-eading is vital to each of us, E-nhancing and exploring through innovation. A-t times,it would be hard,but with D-etermination,we will be acknowledge. I-magine a life without reading, N-othing will happen but only loses. G-o hit!until great things glow.
R-eading is the most interesting thing you can do. E-njoy each phrases you've read A-nd understand it with your heart. D-isregard the distractions and I-nject the things you've learned through reading, so you'll develop a N-ew skills for a new perspective. G-enuine reading starts with you.
R-eading is the most interesting thing you can do. E-njoy each phrases you've read A-nd understand it with your heart. D-isregard the distractions and I-nject the things you've learned through reading, so you'll develop a N-ew skills for a new perspective. G-enuine reading starts with you.
"READING" R-eading is the important tool in English E-very people wants to be a good reader; A-chieving more knowledge is a big opportunities D-developing and researching more words can be the I-important tools in achieving goals in life; N-othing will change to us dream big like a big star, and; G-gain more knowledge bringing what we have, in a good way.
R-Restores facts thus increasing our knowledge E-Empowers ideas that will embody us & encourage A-Analization line by line,thoughts that are unclear or even absurd D-Defies negative & complicated words I-Increases cognizance to add up on what we know N-arrates every story and in every chapter it shows G-Great things to quench our thirsty minds,with twists & blows
R-eflecting, Responding and refining on what you read is important. It is; E-ducating, by gaining knowledge to be more competitive and dominant A-spires each people through the different lesson it gives. D-evelops vocabulary and communication skills I-nforming in a way that you surely read often N-ote the important links and apply it to day to day communication G-uide, teach and help yourself to develop you reading comprehension.
R-reading makes us uncover the secret of every page E-enriches our knowledge as we come out of our cage A-abolishes stress and pessimistic vibes. D-dimension of life wherein we can find I-irresistible happiness that fills up our heart and minds, N-negative thoughts are thrown away thus being changed G-great ideas to mix with the old once and ideas to engaged.
R – Responsible reader should equip with knowledge on how to analyze the text being read. E – Enhancement is a result of knowing between “reading and just reading”. A – Ability to adopt in the fast-changing environment will be analyzed. D –Deprivation from this area of intelligence would mean depriving one’s self from the real world. I – Imagination will be exercised in reading, in such thing that most of the technologies man has been enjoying these days were products of it. N – Now is the time to get more involved in! G - Go and explore the world of reading!
R-reading makes us uncover the secret of every page E-enriches our knowledge as we come out of our cage A-abolishes stress and pessimistic vibes. D-dimension of life wherein we can find I-irresistible happiness that fills up our heart and minds, N-negative thoughts are thrown away thus being changed G-great ideas to mix with the old once and ideas to engaged.
R-eading is the one Who can make you The best E-very words that We spoke is A Quest A-nalyzing all The Thoughts That we Read D-evelop Our Communication and Thinking Skills I-mproving my moral And Academic Proficiency Level as A college Student N-urturing and Enhancing my Intellectual Quotient G-reat Achievement FOr my Future and For my Present :))
MECHELLE CORDOVA BS_ECONOMICS SEC.A Relaxation of the mind,enlightness of the heart Embodied with facts,mixed thoughts & beliefs Adhere every plan,every story in each page Define each chapter,create an image Influence us more with great things & discoveries No distractions,no problems & no discrepancies with GOD's help.
R-Reading with the heart and mind; E-Every page you'll see what you want to find. A-Alter ego comes out racing, D-Discovering new facts will be interesting. I-Innovation of an individual's self-concept, N-Now you'll see all of those. G-Go continue and enjoy reading!
R-Reading always relaxes my mind E-Explores me into the things where I am behind A-Abundant source of information D-Develops my learning skills and communication I-Illuminates me about different things in the world N-Nurtures and improves my every word G-Give us a power to become excellent
R ealizing more facts E ngaging my imagination and acts A dmiring this thing called reading D oing silly things like laughing and crying by myself I nfront of my classmates and friends N ow when i open this book G ives me exitement to myself
R-Reading is very significant in our lives; E-Especially when we study different files. A-Allowing us to analyze messages and; D-developing our minds to understand languages. I-If we know how to read, we can be better persons, N-Nurture and analyze informations and, G-Generalize ideas without any limitations. :)
Charie M. Vidal BSBA-1b R-eward E-very book that was opened and A-ppreciate those people who were D-etermined to explore it's beauty. I-nvolved yourself to this habit, n-urture your mind and always be g-ood in the field of READING
R-eading is a habit that relieves me from stress which E-nhances my creativity through imagination A-nd opens the gate to another world where I can D-o and explore things that are far from reality, I-nteracting with my fantasies that N-o one will know my own experience about the story which G-ives me happiness and complete satisfaction
Pudadera, Marko J. BSEE1-4 R- eading aids to reinforce and, E- hance one's itellectual capacity as one can; A- cquire knowledge D- eveloped I- mproved and, N- urture one's skill and talent finally, it G- ives awareness on what's going on around us.
R-egain more informations and knowledge to learn with E-very pages,chapters contains an important part that; A-re interesting and new ideas to develop d-iscovering one self to comprehend difficult words I-nspiring to strive hard,study hard and , N-ever lose hope,try your best as much as you can G-ive your perseverance and surely goals in life will achieve.
R- eading is the bridge of knowledge that needs E- nthusiasm in order to eradicate and A- ctivate your true potential through D- edication must be manifested. I- mplement for intelligence is N- eeded for knowing what are you capable of in G- oing after your goals and dreams.
Reminiscing my ALMA MATTER , who Enhance my being and reading skills better Admitting that lately I've been passive ,because Daydreaming makes my mind active Improving my grammar through reading text None will help me except myself, so Gone with all the odds, DREAMS OF MINE HERE I COME
R-eading relevant stories, E-levate my imaginations. A-ppearing in my mind D-eride new lessons. I- may be now, is inefficient. N-urturing my mind to be diligent. G-enerous books, I thanked them first and foremost.
Jasmin Portigo BSBA-1B R-emember all the memories that happened E-mbrace them with joy and happiness A-lthough there are counted memories D-ecorate it and be proud because not all of us have it I-feel like the happiest person because i have "it" N-othing else, i want but "it" G-ain more "it" and be happy with it.
R-ead more and learn more E-xcellence to readers were meant for, A-sleep mind will be awaken, D-iscover it in reading to be enlightened. I-norder to acquire and gain new knowledge, N-ever reject the beauty of reading, instead G-o and be a great reader, leading.
''Reason for Everyone to Act Dutifully Indicating Numerous Gain''
R.E.A.D.I.N.G R-reading is more fun while learning E-enthusiastic is a way of being motivated while reading A-acquired knowledge to the readers for them to understand and also for us to D-disregard discrimination from others, and also being I-intelligent is not required for us in reading, because N-no one have the authority to tell anybody to stop reading, but G-go on with the flow read and read with a purpose or rathergoals.
R.E.A.D.I.N.G R-reading is more fun while learning E-enthusiastic is a way of being motivated while reading A-acquired knowledge to the readers for them to understand and also for us to D-disregard discrimination from others, and also being I-intelligent is not required for us in reading, because N-no one have the authority to tell anybody to stop reading, but G-go on with the flow read and read with a purpose or rather goals.
READING Extinction of Ignorance is the Application of KNOWLEDGE. Differ what is Right and Wrong. Information is everywhere, READ! No one can help you, unless yourself. Get out on your shell, UNEARTH everything.
R-eading is an adventure E-nding to a treasure A-secret i want to share D-iscover it and you compare I-t is similar to travelling N-othing would be impossible, admiring G-o and read, it is surely inspiring
R-Reading is the most important skill E-ended without fear A-activated in everything D-depends on how you bring. I-Gives you more knowledge and information N-never mind about the conditions G-GAIN more knowledge through reading GO ON!..
R-Reading is the most important skill E-ended without fear A-activated in everything D-depends on how you bring. I-It gives you more knowledge and information N-never mind about the conditions G-Gain more knowledge!through READING LIFE MUST GO ON!.
R-estore our minds with knowledge my dear, E-xercise it through reading! A-nalizing ideas from broad to simple, D-evelopes our critical thinking. I-nterest is a virtue in reading, N-eeds comprehension for better understanding G-ain more information useful in studying, a self improvement that is what we aim .
R-reading is one of my way to relieve my anger E-encourage me to be calm and stronger. A-Nd bring me to another world which I can be bolder D-develop my skills and creativity that has a dreamer I-inspire me in doing things i never expect i can do N-o one can stop me because i am determined to reach my G-goals that can give me happiness and fulfillment.
R-emembering the past, E-njoying the present; A-ncient times til today, D-iscovering words day by day; I-ntelligent given by the almighty God, N-ever fades until the end; G-row up and show the world what you have.
R-eading is important E-nhances our minds to become brillant A-llow us to explore the world and to D-iscover the secrets of words. I-n reading there is learning N-ew words could be taken G-o! go! read again and again!
R-oad that I may passing by E-ngage in reading can bring us high A-ctive mind is the way of life D-erives the creativity of simple analysis I-ntellect in the way of reading style N-ever would I quit in giving arts in reading G-od would be my guide to become excellent reader
R-eading is the one of the element of learning E-veryone of us needs to learn how to read A-reader should know how to understand what they read D-on't take advantage reading I-t's because reading is the key of learning N-o one can get a degree if he/she doesn't know it G-o and read so you can gain more knowledge.
Real knowledge comes from reading Every word has a meaning All the meaning can be combined Derives to one to have a greater mind Instructs you to be ahead Nourishes you imagination to widespread Goals to enrich one's thinking head.
Christy Jean B. Salumbro A.B Literature 1 A (eve) July 19 2013 Acrostic Poetry R-reading is the best weapon to become an E-excellence student to A-analyzed the D-difficult sentences and become I- intelligent student N-never stop to G- get a dictionary or any kind of book and read it carefully with comprehension.
R-elieves people from stress since it gives E-njoyment to the readers and A-dds intelligence to the reader's brain with each word D-igested by the brain. I-n doing so, we are N-urtured by these wonderful, amazing words that are G-iven by the colorful world of reading.
R-Room of flowers E-Emerge with gladness A-Angels of heaven D-Dancing with joys but I-In the corner N-Noel is sitting G-Giving a time for God's graces and glory.
R-eading as a strategy to higher learning E-ngage to prominent ideas and words that are flickering A-pplies skills that need to be spread D-renches our minds with knowledge to weld I-nspires us to enhance our capabilities N-urture us with a strong moral of reality G-uideing us to the path that we want take.
R -aw in our minds, fresh in our sight, E -xemplify excellence in excite. A -midst the changes, in current they stand, D -iminishing incapability and ignorance. I -n man they began, will continue from time to time. N -urtured further with dynamics inclined G -ained through learning and also learned to be gained.
R-eaching out to touch you, E-ven if your too far. A-scending to where you are, D-ealing with it so far. I-nto the darkness or light of loving you, N-othing compares the caress that you give. G-etting deeper into it even if it's just a dream.
R.-Reasserting ideas, stating facts E.-Extricating knowledge A.-Abdication of Information D.-Domesticating person through Reading and Comprehension I.-Idea construction can create a million of Informations N.-Navigable arts in making this poetry deserving G.-Grades for my ability.
R-eading as a strategy to higher learning E-ngage to prominent ideas and words that are flickering A-pplies skills that need to be spread D-renches our minds with knowledge to weld I-nspires us to enhance our capabilities N-urture us with a strong moral of reality G-uides us to the path that we want to take.
R-eading is like exploring E-ntering the doors of discovering A-ctivate our minds, D-iscover the difference between truth and myths. I-t gives us more challenge, N-ew words that can encourage G-ain thouhts and knowledge.
Reading is not only for pleasure,but it's a learning experience. Exemplifies the value of every literatures in our very existence. Appreciation,realization,and inspiration. Defined as the true source of never ending knowledge in every generation. Interesting facts of the universe can be read and discover. So, Never underestimate its beauty,significance and power. Getting through reading is an adventure of forever!
HAZEL JOY G. CODENIRA AB-LIT1A R-eading is the best way of learnig E-loquence in english language A-ppreciation is needed D-eclaim your words nicely I-mplant to the people every words N-ondecript to the people G-et across to them the importance of reading.
HAZEL JOY G. CODENIRA AB-LIT1A R-eading is the best way of learning E-loquence in english language A-ppreciation is needed D-eclaim your words nicely I-mplant to the people every words N-ondecript to the people G-et across to them the importance of reading.
R- Realistic things form in my mind E- Exciting topics I really find A- All of the ideas were mesmerizing D- Done in a certain way just like reading I- Intellectual knowledge enlighten me N- Nourishes and nurture my self esteem G- Gazing the stars to fulfill my dream
R-eading is very important E-nhances our mind to become brilliant A-llow us to explore the world and to D-o things as possible as we could. I-n reading there is learning N-ew words could be taken G-o! go! read again and again!
Reach the farthest part of the universe Explore the charted seas and lands Appreciate the real beauty of our world Discover the mysteries and secrets of life It is not impossible and you don't have leave your room None of this is impossible if you only read your books Greatness of human mind also reveal in books
R- Reading books makes us a full man E- Expresses our feelings through A- Aspiring ourselves D- Develop our study and thinking skills I- Intersects all our ideas and knowledge N- Nurture us to be more comprehensive and lastly, G- Giving us the information and unearth us
Jethro Levi M. Mercado ME 1-1
ReplyDeleteR-ecklessly writing in just one try
E-laborating a poem for this reply
A- mind of mine that is thinking hard
D-oing its best to get an award
I- am nearing the end for this words I compile
N-ow I hope that reading this would be worthwhile, so
G-ive me a grade that would make me smile
p.s. this is an original composition (^_~)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKyrch Erick T. Paulmitan BSEE En1-4
ReplyDeleteR-emembering the past lessons makes me think
E-very time our teacher have their tests
A-lready forgotten those stuffs I learned
D-aydreaming is the only thing that would suits me best
I-f I only just read even just for awhile
N-othing is impossible that I have pass this time, now I
G-et my book and read those lines, should have done this early awhile.
Jon Kristoffer L. Tagalog BSEE EN1-4
ReplyDeleteR-evealing a new identity to our generation.
E-nhancing each and everyone's imagination.
A-dapting cultures all around the Earth.
D-iscovering things yet to be unearthed.
I-nteresting stories that relates our history,
N-ews, Current Events, and even Poetry.
G-rab a book, start reading, and enjoy your new discovery.
ReplyDeleteR - Relying on the information given by the book,
E - Enhancing each and every minds, why don't you come take a look.
A - Alluring each and every muggles to fall asleep,
D - Drastically avoiding the "Counting of Sheep".
I - In the beginning, the story seems to be flat and boring,
N - Now wait until you see the climax and the finale dahling.
G - Gone with the wind as the feelings arose and bloom, The evangelical zeal and infinite feels as the story ends with a boom.
R-emembering the things that i have encountered
ReplyDeleteE-specially the lessons that i have learned
A-dding more informations in my mind
D-eveloping the skills that i acquired
I-informations that are so bright
N-ewly added like a morning light
G-rab your notes and make your imaginations true to life.
Czar Arien R. Bernales ME 1-1 Originally Composed
R-easoning to what you understand
ReplyDeleteE-ngaging to new things that we
A-lways dreamed
D-iscoveries should be uphold
I-magining things we wrote
N-o one should be afraid, through reading
G-ood education could be obtain
Jude Soliman ME1-1
Vance Adriane C. Angayan
(MWF - 12:00 - 1:00)
R - Romantic, historical, informative and dreamy
E - Experience the wonders in books that will make you giddy
A - Allow every word and color to fill your mind
D - Don't ever say no for marvelous things you will find
I - In your head you can do anything
N - Now grab a book and start unraveling
G - Great and awesome things lie ahead, so read a book that's what I said
Reading makes me more wiser
Every words i encounter
Are like precious golds and silvers
Days are passing yet
I'll always remember and
Nothing will ever compare
Good thoughts ive gain from reading
rate me sir ^_^
Andrea Nicole J. Quilantang
ReplyDeleteBS in Economics I-A
R-eading is a good way of learning,
E-nables you to imagine lots of things,
A-t times it may be boring, but
D-oesn't mean you won't learn anything.
I-t takes you to places you've never been and also lets you experience a lot of things, so
N-ever say no when it comes to reading, because even the
G-reat people around the world is also a product of Reading.
ReplyDeleteR- reading makes my day complete,
E- earning knowledge on what I read;
A- and always read after go to bed;
D- discover the world of understanding and make the;
I- imagination to be a real thing, that;
N- nurture your skill in reading and remember that,
G- god is always in our side to guide.
Elisa Jane B. Butalid
ReplyDeleteBS in Economics I-A
R-eading gives you knowledge and gives you more the courage to
E-xpress the things you've learned and
A-pply it all in you, and as you read, the book
D-evours you in an enchanted loop, which entangles you
I-nside, gives you peace, and lets you learn of the things you
N-ever knew, and brings you to places you've never been, and
G-reatly influences your beliefs and views in life.
John Dave Teves ME1-1
ReplyDeleteR-Reminiscing the problems of reading in our life
E-Even if it's sharp as a knife
A-Applying the courage to survive
D-Determination that will help us to strive
I-Improving ourselves in what we have
N-Neglecting the judgments of others,
G-Going on our way to achieve with flying colors
Juliecir Q.Faciol AB-Lit (1A-evening)
ReplyDeleteR-Recalling the different meaning of the things I
E-Encounter everyday
A-Admitting that sometimes it makes me crazy because it's hard to understand yet
D-Dealing with it makes me more eager to learn by
I-Improving my vocabulary and reading comprehension
N-Never to be discouraged cause learning is not easy and
D-Day by day is an opportunity to learn
R-eading can take you lands far away
ReplyDeleteE-arth,moon,and universe we can see
A-ll things that must be known
D-eep inside the pages are shown
I-ndigo,bisque,blond, and chartreuse
N-ice and astounding colors-world is dose
G-ifted we are, through reading,we can see all of those.
Ella Rose B. Mordeno
ReplyDeleteI-BS Economics(A)
Reading is a great adventure
Explore and see the beauty of every words
Ask and it could give you information
Deprive us to have courage
It helps to pursue our goals
Nourish every uncommon words you may encounter
Go and make your time worthy through reading
Alan Royce B. Tizon
R-Recreating dimensions from group of random words.
E-Exploring greater range through bounded pages.
A-Anticipating journey for knowledge and entertainment.
D-Daydreaming in full sense of abstract ideas.
I-In motion with mind while constant in position.
N-New experience to bring facts and genuine ideas.
G-Getting captured in partial emotion and freedom.
Angelica C. Paler
DeleteBS Entrep 1-B
R-eading is for information and details,
E-verything that you want can be participated
A-bove all reading is the best with
D-irect comprehension and mindfulness
I-nfluence in every human that
N-o one can destroy but everyone can
G-ain knowledge and wisdom to overcome success.
R-eliving the lessons in my high school years
ReplyDeleteE-nriching the knowledge that I worked with tears
A-stonished with our modern grammar rules
D-iscovering unknown words that have to be so sure
I-n the world of knowledge I have to go
N-ot knowing how my mind will glow, but
G-ot to hold on and go with the flow.
Kassandra Flauta ME1-1
( Original composition ;) )
R-eading makes me know everything,
ReplyDeleteE-nhancing my communicative skills to
A-chieve my goals,
D-ealing with comprehension to
I-mpressed others or to persuade them.
N-othing is imposible in
G-aining something what you want.
Deletemort wat name nemu sa fb ??/ add tka !
DeleteSapilan, Amiel Dan M. BSEE EN1-3
ReplyDeleteR-eenact in your mind what you read,
E-ven the details thin as weed.
A-fter it is done, comprehend.
D-eep understanding, helps you to apprehend.
I-t takes you somewhere not yet unearthed,
N-ever touched, never heard.
G-ilt-edged reading's really the bridge of mind to the grasp of the world.
Warren D. Bejasa BSEE EN1-4
ReplyDeleteR-eading is fundamental to one's advancement.
E-mpowering it makes you have a state of contentment.
A-pprehend the nature and the significance of the content.
D-evelop your objective understanding and reasoning.
I-t helps you build your self-confidence.
N-ever underestimate the capacity of reading.
G-ain vocabulary and persistence to achieve excellence.
Antonio Z. Igot Jr. ME1-1
ReplyDeleteR-elease all stress and lay down to rest
E-ntertainment must be at its best
A-midst all frustrations and disappointments, I
D-ream and smile.
I-nto a world and another,
N-othing can stop me in making myself better.
G-reat things, great knowledge, and a great teacher
Moises Emmanuel D. Mina
R-Reading may reach you to sky
E-Eagerness to learn and
A-Appreciate the charm in each words
D-Develops our comprehension and
I-Inspires us to be
N-Nice to other human beings that can make us
G-Great and achieve our aspirations through reading
Sammielyn Olajay
Reading may take too much time because
Every second counts.
Adopting my comprehension and figure out my
Dreams, would push too hard but
I make it as a challenge towards success.
Never surrender among those challenges because it
Guide us towards professionalism.
wow nice gud oy !!
DeleteQuennie D. Aniana
ReplyDeleteBS Entrep 1-B
R-eading is like traveling the world for free.
With the aid of my
E-yes, exploring it us just easy.
A- book can be a vehicle and
D-aydreaming may be possible. But the most
I-mportant is, perceiving an access of
N-ew ideas is the
G-reatest guerdon.
nice one Moi :-D
DeleteR-ead books for they take you to the different places.
ReplyDeleteE-xperience the wonders in every pages.
A-look for adventures in every pieces.
D-evour thy words till reaches.
I-n the world between the covers of books
N-ow you can imagine on how life looks.
G-et your mouth ready and let the word scoops.
RJ Aboyme
R-eaching the peek of your imagination
E-ternal way of getting information
A-nalyzing each given lines and words
D-oors are opened for your new wonders
I-ntellectually introudec to a new world
N-ow get a book and start to read
G-rab a dictionary in case you bleed
RJ Aboyme
R-eaching the peek of your imagination
E-ternal way of getting information
A-nalyzing each given lines and words
D-oors are opened for new wonders
I-ntellectually introudeces to a new world
N-ow get a book and start to read
G-rab a dictionary in case you bleed
Sorry Mali yung nauna Sir :)
ALZOLA, Maricor Jane Geo1-1
ReplyDeleteR-umpelstiltskin, magical portals, gods and goddesses seen,
E-xpensive tickets to foreign countries gone,
A-wesome and countless dicoveries exposed,
D-ebonair histories unlocked,
I-nterstellar adventures encountered,
N-ever thought you'd ever experience,
G-reatly possible through reading.
Dennis Edward A. Maribao
ReplyDeleteEN 1-4
R-iding on the peak of your imagination
E-njoying the way of life
A-dding beautiful memories in the pass
D-igging the sadness and puts them out
I-n the future you can never tell
N-othing can put you down instead you yourself
G-od is always there for you.
Aljen B.Villegas
ReplyDeleteAB LIT.1A eve
R-each the glory of GOD
E-ncourage reading bible
A-dmire those who follow
D-reaming good things
I-n the future
N-ew life that
G-od's is the author
Deletesheryl a.
cleo mariel jane c. carael
ReplyDeleteEnt 1-B
R-eading is reaching towards
a wise
E-xellency,to become an
A-spirant of my own dream that has pocket full of KNOWLEDGE, MOTIVATION and
I-DEA, that would
N-urture my growing seeds, through the
G-oals that enrich my efficiency.
R- eading is an adventure that never ends
ReplyDeleteE- mbracing to know that we are NOT forsaken
A- dmiring books that solve a problem for the reader's awakened
D- oubt's will remove and determination will be learned
I- n places quiet or loud
N- ever wakes the dead muffled
G- ood writing/reading does not succeed or fizzled.
Kaisha B. Vasquez
ReplyDeleteBS EcE ,EN 1 - 3
"Run Harry Potter! Run for your life!
Enter through the chambers; I hear Ginny and her cries.
Above us are the ceilings, carved and aged by secrets.
Days of yore remembered through frank doors that we met."
I stretched my back and laid my book, amazed how Hogwarts was.
Neither by a plane nor a fast train, I was there like in a gush.
Gone to places just by a book , as it speaks how to be in such.
ReplyDeleteR- Reading is easy as 1,2,3
E- Exploring and learning stories like Sky and Tree
A- Analyzing and understanding words that you may find
D- Discovering and writing things that's in my mind
I- Imagining, experiencing, and taking you to places to improve our imagination
N- Nourishing and nurturing our skills and observations and
G- Gaining and getting new ideas and informations through reading.
ReplyDeleteR - Recalling the words and phrases I have read
E - Every consonant and vowel helps my imagination widespread
A - At times, it can be a little difficult to understand
D - Doing this can make your understanding expand
I - It contributes to every people living
N - Nurture yourself with the habit of reading
G - Good reading comprehension makes your life fulfilling
Aldrian D. Gumapac BSEE EN1-4
ReplyDeleteR-eminisce stories that were dropped behind
E-xperiences shared based in one's life
A-chieve the dreams we have in mind
D-evelop oneself amidst strife
I-nstill in our hearts the lessons we've learned
N-Neglect the past that made us burn, that's what makes
G-reat stories and reading a great concern
Leandrew Floyd A. Arceo BSGEO Geo 1-1
DeleteReading is such a mystery
Every second is a big presentation
A present just for you and me
Driving us to our ideal destinations
Invented to push us to our best
Not just me but same with the rest
Gives me joy, I must confess.
R-eading is an essential tool
ReplyDeleteE-mpowering one's mind
A-dvances the readers for future ideas
D-evelops potential capacity of the person involved
I-nfluences the students to focus
N-urtures the gift of knowledge
G-arners everything
Kimberlyn Jimenez ENT-1B
Bryan C. Galabo
ReplyDeleteBSBA - 1B
R eading is not my 100% hooby
E verytime I feel bored and lonely
A ny books and reading paraphernalia's I want to see
D eveloping my skills in reading that can be good to me
I nspired by our teacher in English 1
N o other than Mr. Sajed Ingilan
G oing through for my improvements in reading.
Bezire M. Abdon
ReplyDeleteBS Entrep 1-B
R-eading is the way of
E-xecuting your feelings towards our emotions
A-nd understanding the text through our compassions
D-efinitely , it gives motivation and
I-nnovation for our
N-ewly comprehension that helps us to achieve our
G-oals ang gives us satisfaction
Cristine A.Doronila
Readability is all I want.
Enthusiast I am to read
Acquiring knowledge from it
Discovering new words on net,how
Interested I am to know it
Nothing can compare the importance of reading
Gotta get books and read it.
Jackylyn B. Aclo
ReplyDeleteBS in Economics I-A
R-eading is the best way to
E-nhance our skills
A-nd actively
D-evelop ourselves everyday. Through creative
I-maginination that will
N-ever forget to
G-uide us in solving problems in life.
ReplyDeleteENTREP 1-B
Reaching the goal in life is very important into a person
Experiencing the hardship and struggle
Adequate to one another
Dream the highest goal
Inspired the one who is in darkness
Nurture all the good work you have and
God will bless you for all the good things you've done....
DeleteENTREP 1-B
R-eadingis a great word to know.
E-nriching our skills,comprehension,
A-nd ability makes our mind more healthy.
D-awn's light now arrives
I- know my future shinning bright
N-ow,I realized how lucky are we,that
G-od give me a warm,loving smile.:)
Lady Mae T. Millamena
ReplyDeleteBS Entrepreneurship 1-B
R-evitalizing knowledge
E-nhancing the power of innovation
A-cknowledging the mirror of reality and fiction
D-ormant of every processes to be taken
I-ntroduction of every single step of progress
N-avigating the capability to instill information
G-aining the relevance of every narration
Galendez,Kenth C.
ReplyDeleteBSME ME1-1
R-ead to me phrases and read to lines
E-ndless adventure of world of words
A -journey towards wisdom and knowledge, far and wide
D-elight and glory and oddity and light
I-f you read a few, then you’ll know it’s true
N-ever you can tell when to start a look, what interesting things may come in books
G-reat power we can harness when it happen to be, as powerful weapon that can kill thousands in just a wink of an eye.
Lee Ann B. Salve
ReplyDeleteEN1-3 BS EcE
R-eading takes you to a journey beyond imagination
E-ssays, humor, mystery, and many more
A-t times, it is challenging to read
D-eep words, long pages, and
I-t may sometimes be uninteresting
N-ow is never too late to indulge yourself
G-rab a book and go venture
Aljay Burata
ReplyDeleteGeology 1-1
Endure all knowledge
Acquire new skills
Develop character
Inspire other people
Neglect all bad happenings
Go for gold!!
Rochel Daren L. Siblos
ReplyDeleteBS in Economics I-A
R-eading is important because it develops our mind. It
E-nhance our skills towards
A-chievement. It helps us to
D-iscover new things
I-n life which is
N-eeded and can be used in the next
G-eneration that can help make a better world.
Alladin, Adonis P.
Rich ideas is a product of good understanding
Everlasting knowledge provides exceptional things
Astonishing outcomes, really a mind-blowing
Developing everything just to be outstanding
Incredible Ideas in our minds, now are playing
No doubt, Incredibly Amazing
Great things isn't it? that's what reading brings.
Mirah Via J. Pancha
ReplyDeleteBS in Economics I-A
R-oam around artery
E-nter where you want is finery
A-ccept what's behind-the-scenes
D-reams are hard to determine
I-ntelligence is bearable
N-othing is impossible
G-o where it leads you.
John Patrick B. Nuez
ReplyDeleteBSBA - 1B
R ead this by using your imagination
E very word were came from different dimension
A ttacking your mind and makes it confuse
D efend it by using Dictionary and Thesaurus
I n the middle of imagination a lot of words combined
N ew words encountered and then put them on the line
G ood imagination is just what you need , and let you enjoy while you read .
Kelvin N. Villocino
ReplyDeleteBS Geology, Geo 1-1
R-eading is a simple thing yet, you have fun
E-njoying and playing words like the spelling of the sun
A-sking and comprehending things that you don't understand
D-eveloping and knowing things to help you grow and stand
I-nterpreting and finding ideas that will help widen our knowledge
N-ew experience and mysteries revealed for additional knowledge
G-reat thoughts that we can get only from Reading
Kristophier S. Feleciano
ReplyDeleteBS Entrep 1-B
R-eading a Mathematics books is my hobby.
E-ndless adventure of world of numbers and letters.
A-nalyze the problems that given to us.
D-efine the formulas can be use as a guide.
I-nspered the classmates who hates mathematics.
N-ever give up to answer the hard problems to
G-et the passing grades toward our future.
Kimberlene P. Apad
ReplyDeleteBSEconomics 1-A
R-eminiscing the
A-bilities and
D-evelopment of an
I-individual which give ways to the
Kimberlene P. Apad
ReplyDeleteBS in Economics 1-A
R-eminiscing the
A-bilities and
D-evelopment of an
I-ndividual which give ways to the
Rizalino B. Laganse Jr.
ReplyDeleteBSEE EN1-4
R-eminiscing all the words I learned
E-mbracing the whole knowledge I earned
A-ll the stories, ideas and facts that showed us fun
D-igging the imagination and dreams of everyone
I-t just shows that reading is essential to our community
N-eglecting all the worries and problems by you and me
G-o read and explore the world, go live your life even though you get old
Buniel, Albert Jade T.
ReplyDeleteBSEcE EN1-3
R-eading is a way of relaxing your brain
E-nhancing your imagination as fast as a train
A- book can give you a lot of pleasure
D-on't underestimate it because
I-t's a kind of treasure
N-ow what are you waiting for
G-rab a book and understand its core.
By: Alcoriza, Adrien Raye P.
R-andomly speaking, reading is an art,
E-xperience isn't required when we start,
A-mazingly educational to students like us,
D-etermined people will think it's a must,
I-nterested already what reading can bring?
N-ever forget what you'll learn in the ending, for
G-reat knowledge to be shared, is the true goal of reading.
Roderick M. Rodaje Jr. BSEE EN1-4
ReplyDeleteReading makes people imagine deeper
Explore to the world of writing facts and fictions
Acknowledge the truth behind the lies and lies behind unreal
Days to be the night to dream and the night to burn pages
Imagine the things that couldn't be
Never lose hope to dream
Gathers everything
Lanilo B. Pantallon
ReplyDeleteBS Geology, Geo1-1
Raising creativity in liguistics and mental abilities
Enhance imaginative learnings and discoveries
Allowing people to connect with each other
Depict opinions , insights, thoughts, and interpretations
Inspire people for excellent innovations
Nurture eloquence and fluency
Great mind creates great legacy
Chrissia Joy H. Peregrino
ReplyDeleteBS GEOLOGY, GEO1-1
R-eading is fun so I try to read every chance I get.
E-very time, I ready my mind to set.
A-t times,it can be difficult to understand,but
D-evelop your skills and encourage a lot.
I-magine and discover what is true,
N-ever close your brain for something new.
G-o and find what you can really do.
Karen Mae Adlawan
ReplyDeleteBS Econ 1-A
R - reading is a relevant for all people, it gives
E - extra learnings and ideas that are very useful. For
A - a life to be meaningful, we must
D - develop our skills for a brighter future.
I - ideas, knowledge and experiences can be learned through reading, its
N - not just a set of words where you can't learn anything. So be
G - grateful to have a new knowledge that can be apply in our daily lives.
Kennette Jay P. Mejia
ReplyDeleteBSBA 1-B
R-eading starts in one word
E-nhance and widens my knowledge
A-wakening my reading skills
D-eveloping my strength and weaknesses
I-t helps us to be a globally competitive like our teacher in English 1
N-o other than Mr. Sajed S. Ingilan
G-o explore and enjoy the world.
Jamila Allana B. Valdez
ReplyDeleteBS Econ 1-A
R-eading I can consider a language of acquisition
E-merges to help increase our little mind's comprehension
A-llocates every bit of ideas we all need
D-erives meaning from written texts or passage, indeed
I-nculcates zeal for further reading skills
N-oted after reading you will have a bliss
G-auge your vocabulary in everything you read
Shellah Mae A. Marciano
BS Entrep 1 - B
Reading is a receptive skill
Enhancing your communication skills
Acting as a passage way to know the past and the future
Develops your understanding and vocabulary
Inspires you in continuing life
New way to exercise your eye muscles
Gives immeasurable knowledge and facts
Renen Faith V. Gloria
EN 1-4
R-eading with passion is the greatest gift.
E-ven if people say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading.
A-lthough I feel slothfulness towards reading sometimes,but
D-iscerning myself to the fact that
I-t's just like a sex act- done privately and often in bed,
N-o more feeling of slothfulness and laziness towards it because
G-aining knowledge that can't be paid can be extracted from this relevant thing, reading.
*N-o more feeling of slothfulness and laziness anymore because
Delete-Renen Faith V. Gloria
Elyssa Mari Y. Sabularse
R-inging in my mid
E-ach and every word I find
A-doring each and every sight
D-angling in the words with light
I-mages I haven't thought could be
N-ow possible with the help of thee
G-iving me wonders and a heart full of glee
R-ight enunciation and spelling of words
E-xcellent literary pieces
A-dequate understanding towards you, and your world
D-ream to fulfill
I-nspiration to live and to go onward
N-ew knowledge and discoveries
G-osh! Those are the things I don't get if I don't READ.
Mary Marriel I. Sumile
ReplyDeleteBS in Economics I-A
Reading on a measuring device
Eagerly to figure out the complex ideas
Activities engaging in different dimensions
Discussing, understanding or interpreting
In reading books makes a man to be a wide reader
Neglecting reading skills is prohibited
Goo is a sticky substances like reading in which you are stuck within
ReplyDeleteR-Reaching for the stars in every hopes and dreams
E-Each one of us tries to aim it by
A-Accepting struggles and errs
D-Day by day our stars will be pure ,
I-Inorder for it to incur let us
N-Not rush things just :
G-Give the best shot no matter what.
Suizo, Pernil Jay W.
R-Reading is usually not my thing,
E-Education came, and it had just revised everything.
A-Admired to become a levelheaded reader someday,
D-Drowning my mind with its thoughts everyday.
I-Inspiring others by giving thoughts is my goal someday,
N-Now I understand the momentousness of reading,
G-Gives extraordinary feelings to people and extra facts for anything.
Keith Von L. Talictic
ReplyDeleteBSME 1-1
R-eaching the sky
E-ndless as it may seem
A-ttempt all you want
D-ream if you need to dream
I-can lie down with you
N-estle in your arms, while we -
G-aze through the skies and bask in its charm.
Balico, Arvin John G.
R-Redefining the world and it's boundaries, yet
E-Enlightens the truth and fact of every mystery.
A-A universe where everything is all but impossible.
D-Dreams, fantasies, beliefs, and realities converge,
I-Inspiring one's thoughts and genuine ideas emerge.
N-Neglecting all limitations, surpassing each generation.
G-Governing our lives towards a better tomorrow.
Jeuel Jabele P. Codera ME 1-1
ReplyDeleteR-reading has many advantages and few disadvantages
E-even computer games can't match reading's benefits
A-arming yourself with knowledge can be
D-done through reading.
I-inspiring others or to be inspired,
N-never will reading disappoint you.
G-God gave us the amazing ability to read, let us exercise it and use it to our advantage.
Joshua Dave M. Abellanosa
ReplyDeleteBS Geo 1-1
Relate it in your life
Eliminate the human strife
Adding knowledge through comprehension
Develop your skills in communication
Improvise all the past learning
Nurture it with constant training
Great life will be assured for a young earthling
by; Daniel David Z. Letkeman
ReplyDeleteBSGeology GEO1-1
R-esearch books that are knowledeable
E-xellent types, to discuss upon
A-ivalable on site that are around
D-evelopmental to ones personal growth
I-ntellectual ideas to share with peers
N-ew words to learn and
G-ain knowledge to ponder
Jarey An P. Ilustre
R- Rooms of words stock in my mind
E- Everything on that made me inspired
A- Age will grow and you may fade
D- Done by reading until the end
I- It may come to you no matter what happen
N- Now I must say even in my grave
G- Growing is with you but reading is continuous and no end
Haydee E. Daigdigan
ReplyDeleteAB Literature 1A-Eve
Reading usually bore me to death
Especially if there’s no picture in it
Although reading is informative
Does it make me more imaginative?
Indeed reading is important
Nothing could be greater than that
God give it to us because he knows what’s best for us.
Thanks Sir !
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJessah Mae A. Asedilla
ReplyDeleteBS in Economics I-A
Requires patience and sincerity
Excellent badge is the legacy
An alpha to one’s literacy
Delivering thoughts equally
Inspires every mortal significantly
Negotiating in different amenity
Greatly affect one’s empathy
Reading is what great minds do,
ReplyDeleteErasing our doubts; believe me its true.
Accepting ideas each turn of the page.
Diminish ignorance; creating a change.
Indeed it is helpful and mystifying.
Now what are you still waiting for?
Get started; begin reading.
TJ Trex T. Olandria
BS Entrepreneurship 1-B
Reinforces the mind and makes us critical
ReplyDeleteElaborate, quite intricate but don't be so cynical
Astonishing facts we uncover
Drives us, tells us to go further
Indulging on things that could mold us
New horizons we seek, knowledge is on the brink
Give some time on reading,the information is surging
BS Geology
ReplyDeleteBSBA 1-B
R-relieves stress
E-effective for us to learn
A-amazing way to discover things
D-depressing if not understood
I-important tool for success
N-numerous words and letters can be found
G-gives information and education.
ReplyDeleteBS ENTREP 1-B
R-eading without reflecting is like eating without digesting ,
E-everytime your reading ,you also find it very interesting ,
A- thousand books your writing,can make everyone to be a
self-educating ,
D-ream like there's no morning but plan through book is the
only thing ,
I-t is well to read everything of something and something of
everything ,
N-o entertainment is so cheap as reading,nor any pleasure so
lasting ,
G-ood books you're collecting,may be a way of everything.
ReplyDeleteBS ENTREP 1-B
Reading books and
Evaluate contents
Are ways of
Discovering world with
Irreplaceable learning ;
Nurturing knowledge and
Gaining good education to be respect.
Ram Edecer S. Monteroso
Raging thoughts come in a whirlpool
Eccentric one or such a fool
A hobby indeed, knowledge is spoonful
Dear, reading is so cool
In many ways you learn
North to south, you travel to western
Great adventures you will always earn
sheila mae L. Cansino
ReplyDeleteab.literature (evening)
R-emember the past, the journey of your life,
E-xcellence that you"ve had,make you conquered all the lies.
A-cceptance of the present,keeps your own confident.
D-eliver through the dessert,the struggles you've not conquered
I-gnoring the wrong grammars, ignoring the defeats
N-ow push through your limits, the understanding you barely needed it.
G-o ! for the learnings ! READING GIVES YOU KNOWLEDGE ..
Marven D. Balinan
ReplyDeleteAB Lit-1A
R-eading aids us to gain more knowledge
E-verytime I read lots of books
A-nimates me to understand it deeply
D-iscover beautiful happenings about it
I-n the rear, another dexterity has learned
N-ever stop reading books. It
G-ives us a big support on our studies and in daily life
(This is my own composition, Sir)
Jayson I. Basilio
ReplyDeleteAB Literature 1A-Evening
R-eading is a part of our simple life
E-xamining and to learn things
A-re great to ourselves
D-iscovering great informations
I-n our existence in the world
N-ever bring you down but;
G-ives you more knowledge to make you up!
Oliver S. Montero BSEE En1-4
ReplyDeleteR-Read and read until you're dead,
E-Explore the world using your head.
A-Attract knowledge just like a magnet.
D- Develop your understanding,
I-In this this world of learning.
N-Never neglectt the power to gain
G-Good information comes within.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOlaer, Vince Jane S.
R - Rendering oneself to the world of imaginings
E - Experiencing the power of creative reading
A - Apprehending thoughts is the most essential thing.
D - Denoting its significance to mankind
I - Is exhibited by its outnumbering positivities.
N - Neglecting its importance to journal wisdom
G - Gets neither sword nor armor to word wars.
ReplyDeleteBachelor of Science in Geology
R - Revolution gives nothing but chaos.
E - Everyone who is against the government can do such things.
A - Accepting the fact that the officials are imperfect.
D - Decieving citizens with their propagandas are not good.
I - Involving yourself towards activism gives you nothing but risks.
N - Never ever join such actions like these.
G - Go on with your life dream, believe, achieve.
Erwin Cagape Nacorda
Revealing the true identity of a reader that will
Enhance our power to understood, it
Able to share knowledge,
Discovering new things and ideas, and
Imaginations will broaden
No age limit, young and old
Good health in mind, body and soul.
Cyrille M. Villarosa BSEE EN1-4
ReplyDeleteR-Reviving someones' dying from literacy
E-Excelling one's mind opinion to explanation
A-Acquiring knowledge to everyone and comprehension
D-Daydream due to imagination enhance creativity and liberty
I-Intelligence developing from nothing to having
N-Neophytes provider that gives solutions to answer
G-Greatness evolving,enhances your talent,and can say I am a genius!
R – Realization comes on my mind in such a way…
E – Envying myself that I know everything…
A – Accepting the fact, my knowledge is not enough. So, I
D – Dare to use my precious time in deep reading…
I – It must be the time for me to gain more knowledge. So, in the
N – Near future, I can be on the peak of success with
G – Great mind, helped by reading, I can be like the rest…
R-Refuge is what I see
ReplyDeleteE-Every word that I read
A-An escape,a body of knowledge
D-Demonstrating wisdom and lore
I-In it I am enlightened
N-Nourishment in your mind
G-Guaranteed when you have a book by your side.
Dave P. Quitoriano
ReplyDeleteBSEE-1 EN1-4
R- Remove yourself in the world of ignorance
E- Elaborate greater things from simple words
A- A simple reading might be our only chance
D- Do open a book and you'll be in good hands
I- Inside the covers are thoughts of good substance
N- No one stops you, so use your library card
G- Go and read something, and your imagination will lead the way.
Morato, Philip Rego, Villagonzalo
ReplyDeleteBSEE EN1-4
R - Remember the gift that we received,
E - Especially our ability to read.
A - Assure to read everything in sight,
D - Don't be hesitant cause you have the right.
I - Inspire your self by doing this,
N - Nothing to worry about, cause
G - God knows we worth it.
R-emembering the times where I started
E-ntering the world that are so exhausted,
A-dmire those things and don't be woozy
D-ifficulties may makes me crazy.
I-nspired by pedagogues that's why I still
N-ew beginnings and new challenges
G-oals succeeded and feel the changes.
Cosmo, Joemar E.
R - Romantic, drama, suspense, comedy, tragedy, and discovery
E - Each of these are in the book or story.
A - All can be hip, even new or old
D - Down to the season where people change in mood.
I - In reading books of discovery and imagination,
N - New invention were formed for this generation
G - Going to goodness to build a strong nation.
Quiba,Donking McLoud M.
R-eminiscing the knowledge through a book can
E-nlightening the mind of the reader,
A-spiring to achieve our dreams and
D-eserving to reach or aims.
I-nspiring others to read,
N-agging would frustrate us but
G-aining thoughts and ideas can help us.
ReplyDeleteBS GEOLOGY 1-1
R- Reading recreates a new means of travelling through mind
E- Equipped individuals with knowledge and wisdom entwined
A- Adds up a bundle of learning for the mind to grow, and
D- Develop communication competence, essential for everyone to know
I- Introduces a world of ideas, that to one, may be unknown
N- Nourishes human's intellect through deeper analyzation and
G- Generate ideas to improve skills for comprehension
Jan Marcelo B. Lescain III EN1-3 BS EcE
ReplyDeleteR-eading takes you to an amazing journey,
E-xciting worlds to be traveled joyfully
A-dding knowledge and wisdom for any age,
D-ifferent experiences on every page
I-t's not tiring nor boring to do,
N-ever a waste of time for you
G-ood reads, they are rewarding to go through.
Al R. Manib
ReplyDeleteAB-lit 1A
Registering every lessons we had is not that easy
Every time I went to school I feel lazy, but
Advance reading makes me smarter
Doing things like this makes me go further
Improving my knowledge makes me feel cool
Nothing can stop me in achieving my
sir mali ni...
DeleteME 1-1
ReplyDeleteR-eading is a source of knowledge,
E-mbracing knowledge is a privilege,
A-llowing ourselves to be well informed,
D-isapproving it would make us a fool,
I-nvoking people to read is one way to make us "cool",
N-eglecting knowledge means neglecting what's rightfully ours,
G-od given us the gift of knowledge and knowledge is power.
Clark John C. Castillon
ReplyDeleteBS EcE, EN 1 - 3
R - oot of the hidden knowledge within,
E - nlightening the mentality of our very being;
A - precious gem worth keeping;
D - elicate necessity to our living;
I - nclining the brilliance of the human's framework,
N - urtured further through our efforts and hard work;
G - rateful are we to be bestowed with the ability of reading; a vital step towards greater thinking.
Orillaneda, Ninna Alexa M.
ReplyDeleteBS EcE
Raise your voice to the world,
Educate yourself and be mold
Acquire knowledge for the gold,
Detect the flaws of your own
Improve yourself like you've never known
Never get tired of anything;
Grow up and enjoy reading.
Eric Joseph Palanca
ReplyDeleteME 1-1
Reading is majestic
Entering our worlds like magic
Available any time
Digging our powerful minds
Imagine all you can
No other thing to be done
Gods Blessing for us Humans
Paulo Clyde S. Catipay
ReplyDeleteBSME 1-1
R-eading books is quite fun
E-ven though we don't jump and run
A-way we go on a vast, imaginary sea
D-ancing and prancing, a trip for you and me
I-n your mind you are free
N-ow read a book and then you'll see
G-reat and wonderful things for them, you, and me
Rikko R. Mejorada
ReplyDeleteME 1-1
R-eading can be fun
E-xperience adventure as long as you can
A-dventure in every flip of a page
D-ifferent stories as you passes every stage
I-magination is the only limit
N-othing can stop you because you can do it
G-aining knowledge and entertainment.
Mhelmyr Jhon B. Absin ME1-1
ReplyDeleteR-eading makes your mind work
E-very word takes you to another world
A-very wonderful world, and
D-ifferent experiences will be experience
I-t takes you to an adventure,
N-ice creature, and
G-igantic feature
Carl Maynard S. Toralba
ReplyDeleteBSME 1-1
Reading, a skill which is only possessed by mankind
Entering a new world using only our mind
And expanding our knowledge with our creativity
Delivers a soft whisper of inner peace to me
Interaction between the greatest people of history
New world, new knowledge, new person to be me
Get ready! the whole world is gonna chase me!
Ray Angelo V. Salva
ReplyDeleteEN 1-3
R-eading is essential for every student
E-nhancing their minds and their talents
A-cquiring knowledge through the use of words
D-isseminating peace across the world
I-ncorporating wisdom from the ages
N-urturing our being with all the needed components
G-rowing in the world of reading is indeed an advancement
ReplyDeleteAB-LITERATURE 1A Eve :))
R- Reading books,magazines and articles make people to think wider
E- Enhances the ability to understand the real thought of it
A-A wonderful fact to reflect upon us,so
D-Don't give up if you fell it's hard because
I-It will light up our directions,it is
N-Nutritive to us as unique individuals
G-Go confidently in the way of our dreams
(This is original composition of mine :)) )
Anne Geraldine A. Biol
ReplyDeleteBS Econ 1A
R- eading is an English major skill
E- nhance it and take it for real,
A- ccuracy in grammar and spelling
D- evelops from doing this 'lil thing,
I- t might be tiresome more often, yet
N- ew discoveries we are experiencing,
G- o! Read and gain something.
char :) haha
ReplyDeleteAB-LIT 1A
Remembering our lessons isn't that easy,coz
Everytime i went to school ,i feel lazy,but
Advance reading make's me smarter
Doing thing like this make's me go further
Improving my knowledge make me feel cool,and
No one can stop me in achieving my
Crismarie C. Sayon
ReplyDeleteBS - Economics 1A
R-eading is like raffia molding a man
E-ach precious words comes from the mouth
A-nd blind with pleasure to spend in the mind
D-elivering constant ideas
I-n poetry or extract from books
N-egotiating in different dimensions
G-abordine is a thick cloth like reading makes a man wiser.
April Joy P. Satohito
ReplyDeleteBS Econ 1A
R- eason to inspire more people
E- xpand minds and elaborate one's life to be more meaningful,
A- cquiring knowledge we may get in through reading that
D- evelops and design to create
I- nvisible things to be visible,
N- o one can stop you if you keep on believing,
G- uide. That's what I can say that leads our way to explore world through reading.
Quitorio, Jeryl S.
Reading is a form of passion where
Extraordinary imagination resides
Allures the fierce mind that figures out
Dazzling bits of facts and queer illusions
Incorporate details that
Never runs out of place
Get up! Find a place to taste.
ReplyDeleteR-eading is learning by discovery
E-ducating yourself that really count
A-ctive listineng evaluates what the sound wave mean
D-evelop your abilities, by taking the
I-nitiative to make new friends
N-urturing your interests, widen your experience and
G-uarantee a rewarding finish
Mergen B. Mangubat
Diana Rose Q. Salas
R-eading is to understand something written
E-nlighten your mind towards everything
A-nd gives you knowledge to a lot of thing
D-etermine your pesonality
I-n a different kinds of way
N-ot only in reading but also in analyzing the
G-iven meaning
Todenio, Florence Mae L.
ReplyDeleteBS - Economics 1A
R- Reading is fun and it
E- Encourage us, teens and
A- Adults to read.
D- Discovering many things, being
I- Intelligent and having knowledge about
N- Natural things are some of the the benefits that we can
G- Gain trough reading
Reading emblazons identity
Embarking knowledge,making us witty
Arduous questions and even apprehensions
Deciphers and widens one's misconceptions
Ignite a bright future ahead
No illiteracy and unawareness will lead
Garner intellegence and read
Todenio, Florence Mae L.
ReplyDeleteBS - Economics 1A
R- Reading is fun and it
E- Encourage us, teens and
A- Adults to read.
D- Discovering many things, being
I- Intelligent and having knowledge about
N- Natural things are some of the the benefits that we can
G- Gain through reading
ReplyDeleteR-eading books or any reading materials sometimes maybe too boring.
E-specially when the things you want to know does not appear in the beginning.
A-s I observed, most of us do only skimming and scanning. That's why
D-iscovering new things had never done by all human beings.
I-nterest in reading is a big part of learning.
N-ot only for knowledge's sake but also for valuing the skill that
G-od has given us to survive in the world of living.
Crismarie C. Sayon
ReplyDeleteBS - Economics 1A
R-eading is like raffia molding a man
E-ach precious words comes from the mouth
A-nd blind with pleasure to spend in the mind
D-elivering constant ideas
I-n poetry or extract from books
N-egotiating in different dimensions
G-abordine is a thick cloth like reading makes a man wiser.
ReplyDeleteBSBA 1-B
R-eading is not about looking for black marks on a page or turning a pages as quickly as we can.
E-quip our minds not our eyes and hands.
A-nalyze processes to aware of context and connotation.
D-evelop concentration on what you are reading for.
I-dentify the topic and the concepts given by to understand more.
N-ever look for the other's interests, always think that
G-od will serves as our wall to protects and guides us whenever,wherever and whatever we do.
R-eading is fundamental and valuable.
E-verything you read fills your head with new bits of information and vocabularies.
A- personal interpretation or appraisal ; It
D-evelops your reading comprehension.
I-nteraction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge. You must
N-urture your reading skills for you to excel and
G-uide you to your SUCCESS !
R-eading is one of the best recreational activity.
E-ffective way of gathering information.
A-cquires willingness to a reader.
D-evelop personal responses.
I-mproved Focus and Concentration.
N-o matter how much stress you have it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story.
G-ives us the opportunity to expand our vocabulary.
R-eading is vital to each of us,
E-nhancing and exploring through innovation.
A-t times,it would be hard,but with
D-etermination,we will be acknowledge.
I-magine a life without reading,
N-othing will happen but only loses.
G-o hit!until great things glow.
R-eading is the most interesting thing you can do.
ReplyDeleteE-njoy each phrases you've read
A-nd understand it with your heart.
D-isregard the distractions and
I-nject the things you've learned through reading, so you'll develop a
N-ew skills for a new perspective.
G-enuine reading starts with you.
R-eading is the most interesting thing you can do.
ReplyDeleteE-njoy each phrases you've read
A-nd understand it with your heart.
D-isregard the distractions and
I-nject the things you've learned through reading, so you'll develop a
N-ew skills for a new perspective.
G-enuine reading starts with you.
Michael kier M.Burgos BSECon1-A
R-eading is the important tool in English
E-very people wants to be a good reader;
A-chieving more knowledge is a big opportunities
D-developing and researching more words can be the
I-important tools in achieving goals in life;
N-othing will change to us dream big like a big star, and;
G-gain more knowledge bringing what we have, in a good way.
Julianne Abrie Yap
ReplyDeleteBs ECON A
R-Restores facts thus increasing our knowledge
E-Empowers ideas that will embody us & encourage
A-Analization line by line,thoughts that are unclear or even absurd
D-Defies negative & complicated words
I-Increases cognizance to add up on what we know
N-arrates every story and in every chapter it shows
G-Great things to quench our thirsty minds,with twists & blows
Andrade, Niña Xena B.
R-eflecting, Responding and refining on what you read is important. It is;
E-ducating, by gaining knowledge to be more competitive and dominant
A-spires each people through the different lesson it gives.
D-evelops vocabulary and communication skills
I-nforming in a way that you surely read often
N-ote the important links and apply it to day to day communication
G-uide, teach and help yourself to develop you reading comprehension.
R-eading all The aRti
ReplyDeleteR-reading makes us uncover the secret of every page
ReplyDeleteE-enriches our knowledge as we come out of our cage
A-abolishes stress and pessimistic vibes.
D-dimension of life wherein we can find
I-irresistible happiness that fills up our heart and minds,
N-negative thoughts are thrown away thus being changed
G-great ideas to mix with the old once and ideas to engaged.
Pantilgan,Jessiree F.
R – Responsible reader should equip with knowledge on how to analyze the text being read.
E – Enhancement is a result of knowing between “reading and just reading”.
A – Ability to adopt in the fast-changing environment will be analyzed.
D –Deprivation from this area of intelligence would mean depriving one’s self from the real world.
I – Imagination will be exercised in reading, in such thing that most of the technologies man has been enjoying these days were products of it.
N – Now is the time to get more involved in!
G - Go and explore the world of reading!
Abdul J. Jamara
ReplyDeleteBS - Economics 1A
R-reading makes us uncover the secret of every page
E-enriches our knowledge as we come out of our cage
A-abolishes stress and pessimistic vibes.
D-dimension of life wherein we can find
I-irresistible happiness that fills up our heart and minds,
N-negative thoughts are thrown away thus being changed
G-great ideas to mix with the old once and ideas to engaged.
Cj Butal Ba-1B
ReplyDeleteR-eading is the one Who can make you The best
E-very words that We spoke is A Quest
A-nalyzing all The Thoughts That we Read
D-evelop Our Communication and Thinking Skills
I-mproving my moral And Academic Proficiency Level as A college Student
N-urturing and Enhancing my Intellectual Quotient
G-reat Achievement FOr my Future and For my Present :))
Relaxation of the mind,enlightness of the heart
Embodied with facts,mixed thoughts & beliefs
Adhere every plan,every story in each page
Define each chapter,create an image
Influence us more with great things & discoveries
No distractions,no problems & no discrepancies with
GOD's help.
Jason B. Jalin
ReplyDeleteBSEcE EN1-3
R-Reading with the heart and mind;
E-Every page you'll see what you want to find.
A-Alter ego comes out racing,
D-Discovering new facts will be interesting.
I-Innovation of an individual's self-concept,
N-Now you'll see all of those.
G-Go continue and enjoy reading!
R-Reading always relaxes my mind
ReplyDeleteE-Explores me into the things where I am behind
A-Abundant source of information
D-Develops my learning skills and communication
I-Illuminates me about different things in the world
N-Nurtures and improves my every word
G-Give us a power to become excellent
Danica R. Bajen BSBS-1B
Cristine marie l. Padua
ReplyDeleteAB Lit. 1A eve
R- eading is firming us to
E-nhance our
A-bility and
D-evelops our
I-nner strength to
N-ever give up to our
G-oals in life.!!
my own composition sir.!! :)
ReplyDeletethank you po.
Reynan Clement L. Zamora
ReplyDeleteBSEE EN1-4
R ealizing more facts
E ngaging my imagination and acts
A dmiring this thing called reading
D oing silly things like laughing and crying by myself
I nfront of my classmates and friends
N ow when i open this book
G ives me exitement to myself
sorry sir hindi gaanong maalam >.<
Johanee Kaye I. Drilon
R-Reading is very significant in our lives;
E-Especially when we study different files.
A-Allowing us to analyze messages and;
D-developing our minds to understand languages.
I-If we know how to read, we can be better persons,
N-Nurture and analyze informations and,
G-Generalize ideas without any limitations. :)
Charie M. Vidal
E-very book that was opened and
A-ppreciate those people who were
D-etermined to explore it's beauty.
I-nvolved yourself to this habit,
n-urture your mind and always be
g-ood in the field of READING
Aubrey P. Laude
ReplyDeleteAB Lit-1Aeve
R-eading is a habit that relieves me from stress which
E-nhances my creativity through imagination
A-nd opens the gate to another world where I can
D-o and explore things that are far from reality,
I-nteracting with my fantasies that
N-o one will know my own experience about the story which
G-ives me happiness and complete satisfaction
Pudadera, Marko J.
R- eading aids to reinforce and,
E- hance one's itellectual capacity as one can;
A- cquire knowledge
D- eveloped
I- mproved and,
N- urture one's skill and talent finally, it
G- ives awareness on what's going on around us.
Grace C.Vallente
ReplyDeleteAB-LIT 1Aeve
R-egain more informations and knowledge to learn with
E-very pages,chapters contains an important part that;
A-re interesting and new ideas to develop
d-iscovering one self to comprehend difficult words
I-nspiring to strive hard,study hard and ,
N-ever lose hope,try your best as much as you can
G-ive your perseverance and surely goals in life will achieve.
Mamac, Gibberns Lorbert I.
ReplyDeleteBS Ece EN1-3
R- eading is the bridge of knowledge that needs
E- nthusiasm in order to eradicate and
A- ctivate your true potential through
D- edication must be manifested.
I- mplement for intelligence is
N- eeded for knowing what are you capable of in
G- oing after your goals and dreams.
ReplyDeleteBSBA-1B states about .....,
Reminiscing my ALMA MATTER , who
Enhance my being and reading skills better
Admitting that lately I've been passive ,because
Daydreaming makes my mind active
Improving my grammar through reading text
None will help me except myself, so
Gone with all the odds, DREAMS OF MINE HERE I COME
Gepe Rose R. Alvero
ReplyDeleteAB Lit-1Aeve
R-eading relevant stories,
E-levate my imaginations.
A-ppearing in my mind
D-eride new lessons.
I- may be now, is inefficient.
N-urturing my mind to be diligent.
G-enerous books, I thanked them first and foremost.
my own original composition sir!
Deletehope you like it. :)
Jasmin Portigo
R-emember all the memories that happened
E-mbrace them with joy and happiness
A-lthough there are counted memories
D-ecorate it and be proud because not all of us have it
I-feel like the happiest person because i have "it"
N-othing else, i want but "it"
G-ain more "it" and be happy with it.
Carbajosa,Princes D.
ReplyDeleteBSEcE EN1-3
R-ead more and learn more
E-xcellence to readers were meant for,
A-sleep mind will be awaken,
D-iscover it in reading to be enlightened.
I-norder to acquire and gain new knowledge,
N-ever reject the beauty of reading, instead
G-o and be a great reader, leading.
''Reason for Everyone to Act Dutifully Indicating Numerous Gain''
Adrian C. Mendoza
ReplyDeleteLit 1A (eve)
Acrostic Poetry.
R-reading is more fun while learning
E-enthusiastic is a way of being motivated while reading
A-acquired knowledge to the readers for them to understand and also for us to
D-disregard discrimination from others, and also being
I-intelligent is not required for us in reading, because
N-no one have the authority to tell anybody to stop reading, but
G-go on with the flow read and read with a purpose or rathergoals.
ReplyDeleteR-reading is more fun while learning
E-enthusiastic is a way of being motivated while reading
A-acquired knowledge to the readers for them to understand and also for us to
D-disregard discrimination from others, and also being
I-intelligent is not required for us in reading, because
N-no one have the authority to tell anybody to stop reading, but
G-go on with the flow read and read with a purpose or rather goals.
Bentrell M. Gamad
ReplyDeleteBIT-ELC 1
Extinction of Ignorance is the
Application of KNOWLEDGE.
Differ what is Right and Wrong.
Information is everywhere, READ!
No one can help you, unless yourself.
Get out on your shell, UNEARTH everything.
Maratas, Benj-Harold Vincent O.
R-eading is an adventure
E-nding to a treasure
A-secret i want to share
D-iscover it and you compare
I-t is similar to travelling
N-othing would be impossible, admiring
G-o and read, it is surely inspiring
R-Reading is the most important skill
E-ended without fear
A-activated in everything
D-depends on how you bring.
I-Gives you more knowledge and information
N-never mind about the conditions
G-GAIN more knowledge through reading GO ON!..
R-Reading is the most important skill
E-ended without fear
A-activated in everything
D-depends on how you bring.
I-It gives you more knowledge and information
N-never mind about the conditions
G-Gain more knowledge!through READING LIFE MUST GO ON!.
Cherry Ann Hayo AB-LitA
ReplyDeleteR-estore our minds with knowledge my dear,
E-xercise it through reading!
A-nalizing ideas from broad to simple,
D-evelopes our critical thinking.
I-nterest is a virtue in reading,
N-eeds comprehension for better understanding
G-ain more information useful in studying, a self improvement that is what we aim .
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJanelle Shannon S.Juariza
R-reading is one of my way to relieve my anger
E-encourage me to be calm and stronger.
A-Nd bring me to another world which I can be bolder
D-develop my skills and creativity that has a dreamer
I-inspire me in doing things i never expect i can do
N-o one can stop me because i am determined to reach my
G-goals that can give me happiness and fulfillment.
R-emembering the past,
ReplyDeleteE-njoying the present;
A-ncient times til today,
D-iscovering words day by day;
I-ntelligent given by the almighty God,
N-ever fades until the end;
G-row up and show the world what you have.
Sanico, Beverly A.
AB Lit. 1Aeve
Johanna Mae Gutang
R-eading is important
E-nhances our minds to become brillant
A-llow us to explore the world and to
D-iscover the secrets of words.
I-n reading there is learning
N-ew words could be taken
G-o! go! read again and again!
Hannah mae O. Erat
ReplyDeleteAB-Literature 1AEVE
R-oad that I may passing by
E-ngage in reading can bring us high
A-ctive mind is the way of life
D-erives the creativity of simple analysis
I-ntellect in the way of reading style
N-ever would I quit in giving arts in reading
G-od would be my guide to become excellent reader
Reychelle Ann T. Giducos
R-eading is the one of the element of learning
E-veryone of us needs to learn how to read
A-reader should know how to understand what they read
D-on't take advantage reading
I-t's because reading is the key of learning
N-o one can get a degree if he/she doesn't know it
G-o and read so you can gain more knowledge.
Chessa B. Undangan
Real knowledge comes from reading
Every word has a meaning
All the meaning can be combined
Derives to one to have a greater mind
Instructs you to be ahead
Nourishes you imagination to widespread
Goals to enrich one's thinking head.
Christy Jean B. Salumbro A.B Literature 1 A (eve)
ReplyDeleteJuly 19 2013 Acrostic Poetry
R-reading is the best weapon to become an
E-excellence student to
A-analyzed the
D-difficult sentences and become
I- intelligent student
N-never stop to
G- get a dictionary or any kind of book and read it carefully with comprehension.
Kim Othello B. Luzon
R-elieves people from stress since it gives
E-njoyment to the readers and
A-dds intelligence to the reader's brain with each word
D-igested by the brain.
I-n doing so, we are
N-urtured by these wonderful, amazing words that are
G-iven by the colorful world of reading.
R-Room of flowers
ReplyDeleteE-Emerge with gladness
A-Angels of heaven
D-Dancing with joys but
I-In the corner
N-Noel is sitting
G-Giving a time for God's graces and glory.
Abigail Mae Catiben Muaña ME1-1
R-eading as a strategy to higher learning
E-ngage to prominent ideas and words that are flickering
A-pplies skills that need to be spread
D-renches our minds with knowledge to weld
I-nspires us to enhance our capabilities
N-urture us with a strong moral of reality
G-uideing us to the path that we want take.
Tan, Vinxett Nicko B. EN 1-3 BS EcE1
ReplyDeleteR -aw in our minds, fresh in our sight,
E -xemplify excellence in excite.
A -midst the changes, in current they stand,
D -iminishing incapability and ignorance.
I -n man they began, will continue from time to time.
N -urtured further with dynamics inclined
G -ained through learning and also learned to be gained.
ReplyDeleteME 1-1
R-eaching out to touch you,
E-ven if your too far.
A-scending to where you are,
D-ealing with it so far.
I-nto the darkness or light of loving you,
N-othing compares the caress that you give.
G-etting deeper into it even if it's just a dream.
R.-Reasserting ideas, stating facts
ReplyDeleteE.-Extricating knowledge
A.-Abdication of Information
D.-Domesticating person through Reading and Comprehension
I.-Idea construction can create a million of Informations
N.-Navigable arts in making this poetry
G.-Grades for my ability.
R-eading as a strategy to higher learning
E-ngage to prominent ideas and words that are flickering
A-pplies skills that need to be spread
D-renches our minds with knowledge to weld
I-nspires us to enhance our capabilities
N-urture us with a strong moral of reality
G-uides us to the path that we want to take.
Nikki Grace Camarin
R-eading is like exploring
E-ntering the doors of discovering
A-ctivate our minds,
D-iscover the difference between truth and myths.
I-t gives us more challenge,
N-ew words that can encourage
G-ain thouhts and knowledge.
Lester Jhon L. Florendo I-AB Lit 1A-evening
ReplyDeleteReading is not only for pleasure,but it's a learning experience.
Exemplifies the value of every literatures in our very existence.
Appreciation,realization,and inspiration.
Defined as the true source of never ending knowledge in every generation.
Interesting facts of the universe can be read and discover. So,
Never underestimate its beauty,significance and power.
Getting through reading is an adventure of forever!
R-eading is the best way of learnig
E-loquence in english language
A-ppreciation is needed
D-eclaim your words nicely
I-mplant to the people every words
N-ondecript to the people
G-et across to them the importance of reading.
R-eading is the best way of learning
E-loquence in english language
A-ppreciation is needed
D-eclaim your words nicely
I-mplant to the people every words
N-ondecript to the people
G-et across to them the importance of reading.
Raj John M. Jugas
R- Realistic things form in my mind
E- Exciting topics I really find
A- All of the ideas were mesmerizing
D- Done in a certain way just like reading
I- Intellectual knowledge enlighten me
N- Nourishes and nurture my self esteem
G- Gazing the stars to fulfill my dream
Johanna Mae Gutang
R-eading is very important
E-nhances our mind to become brilliant
A-llow us to explore the world and to
D-o things as possible as we could.
I-n reading there is learning
N-ew words could be taken
G-o! go! read again and again!
Encomio, Christian Jade B. BS EcE EN 1-3
ReplyDeleteReach the farthest part of the universe
Explore the charted seas and lands
Appreciate the real beauty of our world
Discover the mysteries and secrets of life
It is not impossible and you don't have leave your room
None of this is impossible if you only read your books
Greatness of human mind also reveal in books
ReplyDeleteAB-LIT 1A
R- Reading books makes us a full man
E- Expresses our feelings through
A- Aspiring ourselves
D- Develop our study and thinking skills
I- Intersects all our ideas and knowledge
N- Nurture us to be more comprehensive and lastly,
G- Giving us the information and unearth us